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  1. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Your guys are taking off. Mine are pretty much remaining the same size. Probably the temperature. At the bottom of the greenhouse it's cool, the seed trays are up higher so they are getting all of the heat while the up-potted guys are sitting a bit colder. That, and I just fed them for the first...
  2. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Bump! Looking good
  3. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    The end is in sight...but there's a (admittedly pretty small) chance of snow for me on Saturday. Yay!
  4. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Sounds good. Good luck! I've seen germination times listed as between 7 days and 3 weeks, depending on who you ask. It may not take transplanting well, I've got mine in rapid rooters, if they are bum, I'll just resow in a pot once frost is past. I started indoors to try and get a good season...
  5. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Missed this, sorry I got my seeds from Burpee (at a lowes). I'm not sure if you could grow out seeds sourced from a spice company. Could always give it a try...sometimes they treat the seeds to prevent sprouting, and sometimes they get baked too much, but other times people have luck, I'm not...
  6. SeanW

    Lime Green leaves

    This is awesome..thanks!
  7. SeanW

    First timer pepper grow! Planted Feb. 17th, 2013- Pods Multiplying!

    Don't worry, you'll get your priorities straightened out one of these days ;)
  8. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Only a few annuums of mine haven't popped. I removed the lids, anyway, some things were starting to hit the roof. It's all a bit leggy, but I don't think I should raise the trays, they are pretty close to the lights as it is. The broccoli in particular is super long, I don't know if that's...
  9. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Last of my grow bags have arrived, so I'm all set there. Plants are looking a little yellow, I haven't actually fed them anything real, but I have some liquid fish fert due in today. However, the yellow may be from overwatering, so I'm torn about whether or not to feed them when the stuff...
  10. SeanW


    I ordered some seeds from Puckerbutt this year, for my Cherry and "Red Savory" (aka, savina) Habaneros. Decent germination rates on the Savina, too early to tell on the Cherry. No interaction beyond that, but I'm reasonably satisfied with my purchase through them.
  11. SeanW

    Masschilehead's garden of Eden

    Good luck with the grow, I'm gathering from the fact that you plan on tilling this weekend that you didn't get the snow down there that those of us more inland in the state got. We're supposed to have a warmer than usual spring, so maybe that'll translate into a later fall. Guess we'll see.
  12. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    I need to make a map before I completely lose track of things. Luckily I made that list, or I'd never know. I might switch to plastic knives. I didn't have an issue with the popsicle sticks when I used them in solo cups with dirt, but sitting pretty much directly in the water in the rapid rooter...
  13. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    It's continuing to look a lot like christmas...that foot of snow we got Tuesday is still kicking around. I need to get ferts into my lawn so that I can start putting down nematodes...maaajor grub issue, here. Hooks on a handful of my annuums, unsure which ones, gotta take a closer look. My...
  14. SeanW

    Mido's 2013 Glog

    Looks good!
  15. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Unsure, I haven't seen that used with the peppers, before. I got that one from pepperjoe, who just called it "Scotch Bonnet" Starting to see a potential for some hooks on my latest round of peppers, but I have 100% germination on each of the 60 broccoli seeds I planted, and each of the 10 san...
  16. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    The question is - bring pods in beforehand to watch people eat them, and give them warning as to what I mean by "no, seriously, really freaking hot" or just let them suffer without warning. Probably some warning... Don't want to kill anyone
  17. SeanW

    contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

    I actually did this with one of my plants the other day. Sucker grew huge! And then an errant spark hit it and it exploded in a ball of flame, but man...
  18. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Unsure what it says that we're already planning next year and this year isn't even outside, yet! In non-pepper land, broccoli grows fast! Two days and nights and I already have a pile of little guys going
  19. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Gonna have to do a test of my peppers, once I get them. Gotta figure out which ones have the slow heat, which have the immediate heat, which have the long, lingering pain... They do a chili competition at my office. I only started a few months ago, so I missed it this year, but got to taste it...
  20. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    I've found some fans that have the cables attached, so that'll make it easier (though, I do have a soldering iron and wire nuts/etc) Thanks for the tomato pointers. After a quick googling around, it does look like the "low acid" varieties are actually just "high sugar" varieties, and not...