How small of a plant do you want? You can probably go Bonsai small if you wanted to although I have little if any knowledge on that. #2 the normal thinking is space them so they don't shade the plant next to it out or rob the nutrients from surrounding plants. They are pretty much general...
Either top em or bottom em. Trim the top growth or trim the roots (or confine the area that the roots are able to grow in). I tend to stay away from root trimming unless I am about to overwinter them. To much root trimming with to much top growth can lead to leaf drop, blossom drop or no...
TexasHotPeppers ...... All of the seed bank seeds came directly from the national seed banks and I can only assume that these are "pure" seeds. The named varieties I would consider open pollinated since I have no assurance that my source of the seed stock isolated or caged the plants that they...
Was trying to cut down on posting a 250+ seed list here (being a newbie and all) but what the heck, here ya go ....
I have the following seed stock available in 10 different variety pack lots for $10 delivered in the US (per 10 different variety packs). Multiple 10 pack lots can be ordered as...
SEEDS, SEEDS, and more SEEDS ..... I have seed stock available in 10 different variety pack lots for $10 delivered in the US (per 10 different variety packs). This is not a pig in the poke, you pick the varieties that you want and I will confirm that they are still available. Once confirmed...