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  1. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

              Thank you for your kind words.        I think that with super hots you need to build up tolerance over the years. I haven't been eating spicy food for that long, it wasn't many years ago that I thought black pepper was spicy. I've enjoyed having varying degrees of heat this year, from...
  2. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Haha, as it should be, it has been a great pepper. Takes a while to grow, this plant is actually overwintered, I started it in July last year, and kept it alive, so it has taken a while to set fruit, but it's been worth it. Let me know if you need seeds, mine are OP, but I understand that...
  3. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    The moment has come. Taste test!    I had a Lemon Drop and Aji Pineapple ready at the same time. As well as an Aji Oro. Rather than just have a glass of milk I made myself a protein shake with milk, all for them gainz.    Right, so I only took a picture after having tested the peppers.    So...
  4. Comptine

    The BUM is back for 2016

      Sounds very exciting. Is the fruteGum a stable cross yet? The pods looked really cool. 
  5. Comptine

    TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

      No, I haven't ventured into jelly making yet. Is it much different from marmalade? I find that marmalade has a very jelly like texture, but with tiny bits of fruit.
  6. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    Now, after it goes fully yellow, do I leave it for an extra day or two? I read somewhere implying that rocoto seeds take longer to mature, so you need to leave the fruit on for longer. What do you guys reckon, is that true?   
  7. Comptine

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Do we have a cap on people? To ensure the rain reaches everyone in time? 
  8. Comptine

    TheGreenChileMonster's 2016 Grow

    Lovely looking Rocotos! 
  9. Comptine

    The BUM is back for 2016

    Beautiful looking pods and plants! I'm curious about the Islander ond FruitGUM. The former, is that a sweet pepper? And the latter, is it a personal cross?
  10. Comptine

    Karoo's 2016 Glog

    That's a lot of Jalapeños you've got going there. 
  11. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    These     Became this   Oven roasted beets, goats cheese, honey and walnuts. Such a beautiful meal it was. 
  12. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Jams/Marmalades are really nice, like dragonfire said above, sugar masks the heat quite a bit. So jams actually make great gifts to people that are scared of heat. Also, they are quite unusual, at least here in Sweden. I've had people I've given them to use them as a chutney with chicken. I've...
  13. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Sweet! Really looking forward to it! Where would you say it lands heat wise? 
  14. Comptine

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Count me in this year as well! But don't make me one of the first few passengers, I've only just started getting ripe peppers, but most are unripe, and a few are only beginning to set. I'm super excited about the train this year! 
  15. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    That stick holding up the Aji Oro lasted a full 5 minutes before breaking.    I did however find this underneath all that.    Only a few more days to go before I get to try my first pubescense. 
  16. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

      They really are precious. They taste amazing, and it's always an adventure going out into the garden to see what ripe fruit or veg you're going to find. I like growing varieties I'd never in a million years would find in the stores. 
  17. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Yeah, it's like half sugar in there. I've noticed that as well, but hotter peppers overcome the sugar! It's really yummy actually.      Hey, cool to see a Scandinavian friend! Yeah, the 6L air pots seem to be doing a great job, they are equal if not better than a regular 10L pot, and they take...
  18. Comptine

    OCD 2016

    Wow, that's an insane amount of downpour. How are the plants doing? 
  19. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    This    Became this   Picture is not the greatest, but it's Jalapeño and Mango marmalade. Super yummy, almost like a chutney. Goes well with a lot of things. I added in a ripe Omnicolour, Yellow (or Golden) Cayenne, and either Lemon Drop or Aji Pineapple, I'm going to take a guess and say it...
  20. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Cheers John, I'm not decided on the coco yet though. It'd be fun to experiment, but it will have to get down to costs. I have a few things I'll need to pick up next year, more perlite and pots I reckon.    I think I like the 1 litre air pots as an intermediary stage before the final pot. They...