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  1. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Does coco break down eventually? I mean, does it start looking like compost soil after a while? 
  2. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Haha, I bought 100Litres of coco at the beginning of the season, I'm completely out now. I used a lots of that stuff, for the peppers and tomatoes especially. 
  3. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

        I've considered trying larger air pots, but I also really like the square pots, they use the space in the greenhouse better. Round pots always means some dead space in between. I've seen the UGRO coco. I'm hoping that next year though, I won't have to buy any soil at all. I have a friend...
  4. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      I've got some airpots at the moment actually!    I have 6 1Litre pots, I used them when potting up my seedlings. I have 5 3Litre pots, all of them have chinense peppers in them, but I think it's a bit small, they're lagging behind a little, compared to normal pot peppers, and they dry out...
  5. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    I thought I'd share a few more pictures with you guys. They've all been cycled through instagram so they have a fancy filter.    I'm harvesting a bunch of cucumbers daily now.    Found my first white cucumber, they aren't doing as well as some of the others.    And finally got to harvest my...
  6. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Pepperlover seems to have such a good reputation though, so I'm surprised. THP peeps really are the best, you rarely see more generous people.      Luckily mine is on the table, so I just let them rest there. I don't bother pruning. I have rocotos outside, I'm hoping the pot is high enough to...
  7. Comptine

    Chilidude season 2016

      Whoa, that's really far north. Do you heat your greenhouse at all? 
  8. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      I'm waiting for them to turn red before trying one. I tend to prefer mature pods.    Last year I made a lot of jalapeño and mango marmalade, which was super popular, but I reckon the sugar masked the heat completely, so this year I want to add some spicier peppers to the mix and see how that...
  9. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Cheers.    Well, why not? I have more peppers than I can consume. And it's also a plot to get him into becoming a pepperhead. I gave him 3 plants earlier in the season too, and he has enjoyed growing them.        Right, back to the pictures.    The White Bullet Hab has started setting fruit...
  10. Comptine

    Chilidude season 2016

    I'm always super impressed with your grow when I look at your pictures. Where is Finland are you? I imagine your climate is somewhat similar to mine. 
  11. Comptine

    Regulus 2016

        Where did you get your seeds for the mini rocoto? I have one plant growing, got mine from pepperlover, and they are supposed to turn yellow. They are still green, but I've had a lot of seeds from her that haven't been quite what they were supposed to be. 
  12. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    I read something on a Swedish blog, a guy was saying that peppers in Sweden don't really like the long days that we get, so in the middle of the summer they just sit around doing very little, and at the end of July they start getting into gear. I'm not sure how scientific that is, but I have to...
  13. Comptine

    AZ 1000 2016 Pubescens Grow

      Haha! I'm glad that one is a nice one! Can't wait for mine to start maturing. 
  14. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    I pulled the last of my garlic yesterday, this is supposed to be a large variety.    Harvested the very first tomatoes this year, one was Angelle I believe and the other one is a Russian one, translated the name is Raisin. But the 'raisin' is the larger one. You can see my garlic hanging out...
  15. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Hmm, I actually had no plans for the tomatoes, but salsa sounds like a brilliant idea! I feel like I've been waiting for the cayennes for ages, they were the first plants to set fruit, so I've been feeling like they are taking ages. 
  16. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Earlier in the season I let a lot of suckers grow. Past 3 or 4 weeks I've been pinching them, if I can spot them. I've also been trimming lower leaves off once a week or so, maybe 2-4 leaves per plant. Having said that, I'm actually starting to see some change colour! Finally. So I'm pleased...
  17. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

        Cheers, it's my first year growing them so I'm pleased. I pulled a few too early, but mostly they've been a good size. 
  18. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    Today's garlic harvest. Got some HUGE bulbs!    I've got a bunch of them drying outside now. There seems to be different opinions on drying garlic in sun or not. 
  19. Comptine

    AZ 1000 2016 Pubescens Grow

    Beautiful pods! I'm a little jealous now!
  20. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Cheers John. The weather has picked up recently, although not as much as yours has. We hit 26C today, and it was mostly sunny. We're in for a nice week though. I'm hoping things will start ripening properly now. I have hundreds, if not over a 1000 tomatoes, and none has ripened yet, and I feel...