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  1. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    Hey! Look what I found today!    It's the first Aji Pineapple!    Also, what's up with this? It's a runt Zimbabwe bird that's mature, it's existence is so unnecessary, it's so small I can't eat it. 
  2. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      I grew Yukari Bakan last year, and that one seemed to grow in bunches as well. I'm really happy with most plants at the moment, they all seem to be flowering at least, some have fruit, some have maturing fruit. I didn't realise poblanos and mulatos were the same, I thought they were different...
  3. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      I finally remembered to take the phone with me when inspecting the peppers. Right, so, I have two Mulato Isleno plants and one Takanotsume.    This is the Takanotsume     And things are starting to happen in there.    This is one of the Mulato Islenos    And it has one confirmed pod, and...
  4. Comptine

    seed-train European Seed train...

    That looks a lot like a peter pepper. Maybe a cross? 
  5. Comptine

    Stickman's 2016 Gochu Glog- Transplanting is Finished

      That was a great description. For some reason I kept thinking they might be fructesence. Annuums seem to do great it most climates I find, especially mine. They are chugging along outside with no maintenance from me at all. 
  6. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

      I've got rows for each seed pack. The one that the purple ones were in was supposed to be a mix of orange, purple and white. I've gotten like two orange ones out of it, no whites, and something like 15 purple ones. I wish I could get at least one white. The same seed pack was used for the...
  7. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    Things are getting crazier in the greenhouse. I prune the tomatoes once a week, and I've started nipping the top of the cucumbers.    Three different aubergines have set, but I've lost the labels under the mulch.   The soil bag pumpkins seem to be doing nice.    Colourful carrot harvest. 
  8. Comptine

    Stickman's 2016 Gochu Glog- Transplanting is Finished

    Hey Rick, I'm sure you've mentioned if before, but I can't seem to find it. The gochus, are they annums? 
  9. Comptine


    Nice!    Mine have only just started setting as well! I did not realise how slow these were to set fruit. 
  10. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Cheers! I have great expectations of the rocotos, I really want to like them! I've got a few from each sub family growing, so hopefully I'll be able to hone in on what my preference is this year. 
  11. Comptine

    Dennish 2016 - Bacca to the Future

    Wow, everything looks amazing! I love seeing crowded greenhouses, mean that all the space have been put to good use! Haha, I can barely walk in mine these days XD
  12. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      You know, three weeks is what I consider quick. I swear I've had full sized cayennes on for longer than that at this point. 
  13. Comptine

    Stickman's 2016 Gochu Glog- Transplanting is Finished

    I'm really glad that your plants are starting to put out lots of pods! And ripening even! Rain is quite the blessing for the gardener, this year I'm trying a minimal approach with my outdoor plants. I don't water, don't fertilise (they should have enough in the sail to last them) and I try my...
  14. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Cheers! It will be the first time I try pubesence as well, didn't not realise they're normally around habanero level, it's going to be hot!     Let's throw in another quick picture update!   Getting some pods on the Hab Manzano, very exciting!    The chupentinhos are storting to get that...
  15. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

      Cheers!  I'm really pleased with how things are turning out. Just waiting for those cherry tomatoes to start ripening, I would not be surprised if I have over 1000 fruits on them, between 15 plants. 
  16. Comptine

    Comptine's Veggie Glog

    I'm doing small harvests every day now, which is super nice. I con pick a few cucumbers daily, and carrots if I'd like. Peas are filling up now, I've harvested a few, mostly I just eat them right be the plant and chuck the shell down next to the plant so that it can turn into compost. Climbing...
  17. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Ah, that explains it. The shape looked very similar. El Oro de Ecuador actually looks really nice too, I did a quick google search. 
  18. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

      Those look really yummy! Mine are pubescents though, so I imagine the seeds would be black? They were when I planted them. Is it possible we have two different Aji Oro's? This is the one I'm growing. 
  19. Comptine

    Trident's Bonnets 2016

    Hmm, I'm not sure what size the yellow bottoms are, they might be larger than any that I have. I went with the solid rows on top as well. The problem for me is that I use peat, which seems to constrict itself when it dries up a bit. So even if it's solid on the top the water runs through anyway...
  20. Comptine

    Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

    Pot Size = Plant size.    The difference isn't that big between the pots, but the plants are very different in size.    Baby Bear aka Zimbabwe Bird   Mama Bear aka Chinese Pot   Papa Bear aka Prik Kee Nu Suan