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  1. Dr. Cres

    Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

    My guess is Broad Mite damage. Look at this comparison: you will need a miticide spray to control/kill them. The plant should recover. Good luck.
  2. Dr. Cres

    Hydrogen Peroxide is it good or bad?

    Thank you for your input John. I was wondering if you would share your personal observations and or experimental results on how you used H202. Please be specific on areas such as intended purpose, dosage, results and recommendations. Also I am wondering if you are using a commercial 3% grade...
  3. Dr. Cres

    Hydrogen Peroxide is it good or bad?

    Your plants are beautiful. You obviously have your system down to a Science. Very nice. Your welcome and thanks for the comment. Yes I dilute it about two tablespoons to a quart. Thank you. Makes perfect sense, thanks for your input and advice.
  4. Dr. Cres

    Rock Dust

    What is Dinosaur Kale mygrassisblue?
  5. Dr. Cres

    Rock Dust

    Here is the info a couple of friends were asking about. I am fortunate enough to live near a Basalt Quarry. If you check you may be surprised at the availability of this amendment in your area. If you can't find any write to me and we will figure out a way to help you...
  6. Dr. Cres

    Flowers falling off HELP

    Smitty, Scroll down to Common Problems. Hope this helps.
  7. Dr. Cres

    Hydrogen Peroxide is it good or bad?

    No, I dilute it. I use it very sparingly and I never use any amendment unless I I feel it is absolutely necessary. If anything I use it on the very light side. Like 2 tablespoons per quart of water.
  8. Dr. Cres

    Hydrogen Peroxide is it good or bad?

    Wow!!!!!! This sure opened a can of worms. First of all my brother and sister chileheads, I would never, ever post anything that would vindictively, harm, or otherwise destroy the plants We are trying to raise in perfect health. When I want to know or learn something I will dig until the...
  9. Dr. Cres

    soil Need help mixing my soil using promix and compost cow manure and perlite

    Jester, Here is my advice. Don't mix them together. Put your composted cow manure in the bottom 3" of your container. Fill the rest of your container with your pro mix. Plant your pepper so that the roots are about an inch above the cow manure. Water as usual. In time the...
  10. Dr. Cres

    Rainbow Chili Seeds 2012 Grow log

    I bought seeds from Rainbow Chile Seeds this year. They arrived very fast and I was given several free packs of seed. I was very happy with their service. Thanks Vladan. I was very happy with the seeds I bought this year from Rainbow Chile seeds. They arrived in no time and I was given...
  11. Dr. Cres

    Has anyone used Air Pots?

    Mike, It gives me an idea. Why not take a five gallon pail or any container you own and drill holes all up and down the sides of it. Wouldn't it basically work the same. I noticed that the holes they have protrude in an outward cone shape. Maybe this is the one characteristic that...
  12. Dr. Cres

    Reconditioning Cast Iron

    Amazing. I love stuff like this. You did a great job and thanks for sharing your ideas with everyone.
  13. Dr. Cres

    Mini-Hot House

    Last week I was shopping at Ocean State Job Lot and came up with an idea and decided to put it to the test. I bought a 6 and 1/2 inch round aluminum pie tin (don't know what else to call it) and lid for forty (.40) cents. The lid is plastic see through. The border of the tin has a little lip...
  14. Dr. Cres

    soil Mold on surface of soil questions

    Your welcome and don't let anyone tell you Hydrogen Peroxide kills good bacteria. That is preposterous. Hydrogen Peroxide simply adds oxygen which kills anaerobic or bad bacteria. I doesn't affect aerobic or the good bacteria. If you've ever wondered why everything outside looks so green...
  15. Dr. Cres

    soil Mold on surface of soil questions

    What you will need is a small misting bottle. Get yourself a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide at any drugstore. It will be a 3% solution. Dilute this strength by 1/2 . If you pour 4 ounces of water into your mister pour add 2 ounces of Hydrogen Peroxide. Mist the tops of your cells or anywhere...
  16. Dr. Cres

    Hello from the Bay Area

    Welcome From Massachusetts!!! :welcome:
  17. Dr. Cres

    seeds General Germination Thread?

    Mike where I originally got the idea eludes me I've been growing for a long time. My bedroom looks like a Science Lab!!!!! I can only theorize that the Miracle Gro, on a minute level, absorbs the Miracle Gro and it gives it that extra little kick it needs. All I know is I have really good...
  18. Dr. Cres


    Hi MegaSpokaneMan, I have the Billy Goat and Arledge available. Both are favorites so I save alot of seed. You can Email me or pm me if interested in either.
  19. Dr. Cres

    Promotion for HP22B

    I like these: Gate 2 Hell Flame Thrower Dragon's Breath Hell fire Grenade Anus is Enough
  20. Dr. Cres

    seeds Germinating Issues

    There are several things to work out it won't apply to everyone. Some people don't have a stay at home mom like me so they cant spare their car. Others like yourself will face temps that are too excessive. For some this will work out fine. I know at least 20 friends who do all their...