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  1. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    Nope never pulled the leaves off. Now when tleaves turned yellow I did as they were going to anyways. Alot of my green leaves did but nothing I could do.
  2. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    Guessing nitrogen lockup.
  3. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    The biggest tallest reaper in the back.
  4. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    This one in June. Those three in the back are the reapers.
  5. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    what the hell is going on then. Could it be using too many different fertilizer could be the problem?
  6. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    Does it matter if they're in the ground or pots?
  7. Codeman

    Why am I getting Carolina reapers so late?

    Hello,I also wanted to ask why is my Carolina reapers growing so late in the season? Just now getting some growing and I planted them in the spring. Lots of flowers but not a whole lot of peppers growing.
  8. Codeman

    fertilizer Need some help on a fertilizer program. How much to use and when to use.

    Hello I thought I would ask. So I've been wanting to stay away from 10-10-10 and make my own. I bought blood meal,triple super phosphate and muriate of potash. 12-45-60 respectively. Been putting very little since I'm growing peppers in 5 gallons or above. The brand was hi yield. Now do I need...
  9. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    So how much promix all purpose am I adding first? Like am I adding 1/3rd of it? So with promix I add 20% pine bark fines,20% compost and then 10% perlite?
  10. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    I really have no interest in making my own compost. I've tried mushroom compost before and it's good. So if I'm skipping vermiculite and just using peat moss,pine bark fines,ice hulls and mushroom compost what would a good percentage/mix be?
  11. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    Should I add some sort of compost? If so,how much percentage? Also what brand is good to mix?
  12. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    we have the mulch yard near my house. But I don't have a truck.
  13. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    I agree. My local garden center has the perlite in a big brown bag that's 30 bucks. I'll be using rice hulls instead along with some malted barley and some vermiculite.
  14. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    Oh so they act like perlite or rice hulls. How much percentage do I need to add?
  15. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    so is the malted barley like a powder and dissolve?
  16. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    Ah ok. I was wondering if you knew what is in that promix all purpose?
  17. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    Ok so I guess I don't really need vermiculite then. Where would I get rice hulls from? Also the timberline. Is that the mulch in the purple bag? Also how much of the pine bark,perlite and rice hulls do I need to mix the all purpose with?
  18. Codeman

    Need info on this brand so I can make a copy of the same mix.

    Yeah we don't have promix over here. What about some vermiculite? That soil conditioner are they 1 inch pine bark?