I've read birds have the correct pain receptors for capsaicin but for whatever reason they're inactive. Also birds don't destroy seed during digestion so it's a win win for both the birds and the peppers
Glad I found this glog. I'm starting tomatillos soon and would never have thought they needed two to pollinate.
Quick question though if I may, could I just plant one green and one purple and be good or would I need two of each?
I'm not sure actually. I got orange ghost pods from Judy last year that were exactly like the red ones except orange, but I've seen pictures of some "orange ghosts" that look they could be hab crosses, as they were smooth.
If temps are good they look plenty old enough to survive outside. You can start them outside for longer if you put them in shade first for a while before full sun, increasing their sun time gradually
Might start hardening mine off soon and planting out in a week or two. I'm thinking of doing them in stages so I'm not moving 40+ plants in and out of my house every day
They're looking pretty good so far, just a little leggy. They should be alright if you can get them outside relatively soon. Once they have a set or two of true leaves that probably won't be enough light for them
I think because of the higher temperatures needed to germinate the seeds it gives new people the idea that they take long to germinate. On a heating pad around 80 degrees most of mine germinated in a few days
Train is packed and ready to go! I'll be dropping it off in a couple hours, here's what the tracking number will be.
Thanks again everyone for a great experience and for feeding my crippling addiction :fireball:
Also thanks to whoever put in those extra...
What MG mix were you using? I've noticed that the stuff in the yellow bags tends to have bugs (or at least reviews that mention bugs) while the stuff in the blue bags does not. I'm not sure if there's a yellow bag of seed starting mix, however, and it might have just been good/bad luck for one...
The train arrived today. I should be able to go through it tonight and tomorrow and get it out either tomorrow evening or Wednesday morning. Lots of pepper research to do until then......
Could be, I've seen that calcium deficiency can stunt new growth and I haven't amended the soil with any calcium yet, figured I'd add some before I put them outside.