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  1. Suezotiger

    Upper leaves drying out?

    It's possible that it's from fertilizer. I was fertilizing them with about twice the normal dose on accident a few weeks ago but haven't since so it could be a delayed reaction
  2. Suezotiger

    My Friendly Neighbor

    Go over to his yard and plant them when he isn't home.  Then say they must have migrated on their own
  3. Suezotiger

    Upper leaves drying out?

    Yeah my 40 or so plants are sharing 6 T8 lights. Here is a picture of one, the top leaves have dried and crack when I move them. Thanks. I haven't started hardening them off yet. I just water with room temp water from the faucet, same water I've been giving them. I've tried getting them out...
  4. Suezotiger

    Upper leaves drying out?

    Hello everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble with some of my plants. Usually when they begin to wilt the bottom leaves wilt first and it gradually moves up the plant. With some of my plants, the newest leaves at the top are wilting with perfectly fine leaves below. I was wondering if anyone has...
  5. Suezotiger

    2015 Plant out date

    At this rate it's looking like August...but really probably early to mid May
  6. Suezotiger

    A few plants attempting to flower after potting up?

    I have a lot of buds on my plants in Solo cups right now.  I'm letting them go for now though since I'm already running out of space...figured a little stunted growth wouldn't be too bad for now.  I'll probably clip them up after I move them outside in a month or so.  I actually have an Aji...
  7. Suezotiger

    Pepper I.D

    I'd say you're right then, if it was a cayenne you'd feel it lol
  8. Suezotiger

    Pepper I.D

    If it's hot it's probably some kind of long cayenne
  9. Suezotiger


    You should also check the Grow Tech forum if you haven't. There's a topic on drip irrigation close to the top
  10. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    The replacement soil I got was some Scott's potting soil that seems to be working well...Maybe one day I'll mix my own
  11. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    I'll have to read that pest guide and keep a look out, nothing conclusive so far but thanks It was alright last summer but it was a big container not solo cup which might have helped. I'm thinking this was leftover from last year too, cause I got a small bag that was nice and soft of the exact...
  12. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    I thought it might be iron from some things I've read, but they noted that the veins stay green which I hadn't seen, but now it appears that might be happening. I'll keep an eye out for it, thanks
  13. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

      Thank you, I'll try bottom watering and see how it goes.
  14. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

      I've been doing about 2 TBSP per 40 oz, which now that I calculate it is way over the normal dose of 4 TBSP per 2 gallons.......I have fed each plant only once I think, but the other plants I've fed haven't been showing these problems.  I won't feed them again though, at least not for a while...
  15. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    Honestly I could be overwatering, but I can't remember how many times I've watered since transplanting a few weeks ago.  I'm pretty sure they're both in MG Moisture Control soil, but the bag I got seemed old and dried out, and when I transplanted them the soil tried all it could to repel the...
  16. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    They're inside so I assumed it wasn't bugs, but I haven't noticed anything unless they're in the soil.  I've seen that diagram but couldn't tell if there was something specific about yellowing coming from the inside out.  Thanks for the links though.
  17. Suezotiger

    More plant problems

    Hello everyone.  You've been so helpful with my previous problems that I figured I should ask about others I've been having.  The first is a yellowing of lower leaves and deformed new growth of one of my peppers.  The picture is below.  I don't think I've been overwatering, and I've tried some...
  18. Suezotiger

    seeds Germinating fresh seed

    At least it was red, better chance of it being mature.
  19. Suezotiger

    Stem problem

      It's an Aji Habanero so you're right about it being a baccatum.
  20. Suezotiger

    Stem problem

      Sorry I meant the pencil might rot :P  And yes I had a fan on them when they were younger to fight fungus and recently put it back on when I noticed this problem.  Thanks for the help  :dance: