I would plant two of each. Hopefully you'll get one good sprout of each and if you get two and don't have space, give it to a friend and tell them it's a sweet pepper (especially if it's a superhot)
You're right, after posting that I looked online again and found them for as much as half off. I think I forgot about them because they are mostly wholesale only, 25-36 bulb cases.
No problem. This is my first year growing from seed too. Feels good to have so many people here that can help and that also can use help.
Also I found my tape measure. Below is what I came up with for the frame.
4x30" to connect top and...
Hope those pictures work, still getting used to imgur. I couldn't find a tape measure but I think the top was a few inches shorter in both dimensions compared to the bottom.
Also sorry I didn't expect them to be so huge I took them with my phone
I'm using 3/4" but my setup is a little different. I have a base that's a rectangle which connects to another rectangle above using 2 pipes on each side and the light hangs from above and sticks out on both sides. It's convenient because it can sit on the table, but if you're looking for...
I haven't really seen any online that are worth it if you include shipping. I also didn't want to order bulbs online thinking they would be too fragile
I just keep mine under germinating seeds since my lights seem to keep them warm enough. Seedlings don't need to be as warm as germinating seeds, but if your garage gets too cold the lights won't be enough. You'll just have to test it once everything is set up
When I only used one 2 bulb 4' fixture my plants stayed around 70, and at night my house was kept at around 65 for when the lights are off and the plants seem to be doing alright.
I started with Miracle Grow seed starting mix. Might also have moisture control in the name. It's the blue bag. I used that for germinating, then used MG moisture control potting soil for transplant into solo cups. It's been working pretty well, but one problem is if it dries on the top water...
I germinated most of mine in Dixie cups as I had lost the 6 cell trays I had bought to use. After I started most of my seeds I of course found the trays and planted the rest in them. I just used plastic wrap to cover. So far the ones in the real trays are doing better than the ones in Dixie cups...
Which brands are better than others? I bought some Phillips T8s cause they're the first thing I saw at Home Depot. I think they might have had GE as well
I have more than enough pepper seeds, but my mom was looking into other vegetables on burpee's website. Not sure how much of those they have in stores though.
I have (had?) a three cot yellow moruga scorpion. I can't remember if it was one of the few sprouts that didn't make it though. Recently had to put down a few that had shriveled to just sticks and dried leaves. Regardless, once it started growing true leaves there didn't seem to be much...
I've heard of both red and yellow "7 pot moruga" which look like regular 7 pots of their respective color. No idea on flavor or heat though unfortunately. The moruga scorpions however look much different and are much hotter.
I checked my router with an IR thermometer and it read 90~95 which I figured would be alright, but the act of putting the bags of germinating seeds on it covered the vents for the fans and the temp ramped up to ~115. I think that killed the seeds I was trying to germinate as it's been 3 weeks...
I put them under as soon as I could see them above the surface. I forgot about one I had seen earlier until the next day and it's currently twice the height of my other plants
I recently sent out a SASBE but instead of sending it with an adhesive label and additional postage I put the postage with the envelope in a normal envelope and it cost 98 cents to send out. Not sure how much it will be to send back but I included 5 stamps to be safe. I folded the bubble mailer...