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  1. Boost313

    seeds My Sickly

    That's what some around here do. But did you make sure to take the fabric off the peat pellets before transplanting? Pic 1 maybe on to something. If not they could be water logged in their pellet and getting root bound. As looking at your pics again looks like the peat was soaked but nothing...
  2. Boost313

    seeds My Sickly

    You too, having issues seeing pics? Just making sure I ain't the only one. As I have to switch threw three different browsers just to see them.
  3. Boost313

    seeds My Sickly

    When being a new grower, it's hard to judge when solo cups need water. They are so deep, they can hold water for a while. Best advice I've ever been given is to dig around the edge about an inch deep. To see if it's still damp. Or run a wooden skweewer down in the cup. An let it sit a minute or...
  4. Boost313

    seeds My Sickly

    +1 On the overwatering. As with my experience over fertilizing usually effects the newer growth first then the older leaves. Where as over watering effects the lower leaves up. An pic 1&2 looks like the bottom leafs been scorched (burnt tip)
  5. Boost313

    T5 question

    Patrick's 8-10 inches is a dang good starter point with T5's. Like I stated in another post. If they start to get leggy lower and, if they sunburn in the first day raze. As I've read on other forums. Usually a 4' 4 bulb is a little more power than a 150 watt HPS. An they say to keep that light...
  6. Boost313

    almost 3 weeks in, and 0 / 9 Chocolate Habanero have sprouted

    T5's are plenty good. It'll take a little trial and error on how close to keep them. Patrick says 8-10 inches high. That would be a good starting point. (If they get leggy lower them, an if they sunburn in the first day raise them) Just in my own experience. Higher was better in my setup. An...
  7. Boost313

    T5 question

    Temps usually 75-80. Ran a fan more when light was lower. Now run it about and hour a day. Keep a door on it open the whole time lights are on. Only close it up over night.
  8. Boost313

    T5 question

    From my experience using a T5 HO this year. There is a such a thing as too close. As when I had my light as low as possible. It seemed to dry out the seedlings before the soil. My setup is a 4' 8 bulb Hydrofarm (only running 4 bulbs at the moment) In a 2'x4' grow tent. Light is now 15" high off...
  9. Boost313

    almost 3 weeks in, and 0 / 9 Chocolate Habanero have sprouted

    Congrats on them finally germing. You really should be working on getting them under lights when they pop. As some of them sprouts look like "Jack's bean stalk"! LOL Other wise congrats and best of luck on your years grow. An it only gets more addictting from here on out! Edit: An if you have...
  10. Boost313

    health Some help please, yellowing leaves, spots, etc.

    For some odd reason I can't view your pics. But from the sounds of it. Way to many ferts. As Alaskan fish fert reccomends 1 Tablespoon per gallon on "MATURE" container plants. As I just used it on my seedlings @ 1 teaspoon per gallon. Which is a 1/3 of the reccomended dose. An showing no signs...
  11. Boost313

    almost 3 weeks in, and 0 / 9 Chocolate Habanero have sprouted

    I've had excellent germination rates from the chocolate habs I got from Old Barn Nursery this year.
  12. Boost313

    almost 3 weeks in, and 0 / 9 Chocolate Habanero have sprouted

    This is actually a pretty common issue with chocolate habs "or any chocolate variety". As the chocolates can be quite difficult determining when eaxctly pods are mature and seeds viable. I picked many of chocolate habs last year. Thinking they were ready. Just to cut into them and still see...
  13. Boost313

    seeds Seedlings.....

    Ok just checking.
  14. Boost313

    seeds Seedlings.....

    Here you go, Carolina Reaper Chocolate Bell Pepper Chocolate Habs that just popped yesterday morning An yea I know Millwork. Just...
  15. Boost313

    seeds Seedlings.....

    Pretty much. Mostly C. Chinese with a few Annuums.
  16. Boost313

    seeds Seedlings.....

    Just wondering if purple stemmed seedlings are as susceptible to dampening off? As their stems look heartier than others. An all my seeds that pop. Stems purple within the first 24 hrs.
  17. Boost313

    Paper towel method ?

    Guess I should've detailed my progress better. Started seeds on towels. They sprouted. Then planted them white root down in soil. Now do they still need to be on the heat pad? Sorry for any confusion. Cause I'm running out of room on my heat pad. With all I've started this year. An still got 6...
  18. Boost313

    Paper towel method ?

    Started some seeds the paper towel way. For the first time. Just wanting to know. When the first root/sprout shows. Do they need to go back on heat? After planted in soil? Or can they just go under lights, since they done started?
  19. Boost313

    The Subway Foot-long Face-off Challenge

    Wow, looks like Hophead pulled a me, the other night! Apparently the the crazies hijack this thread. Sorry for all that man. But apparently this has turned into the new "DRUNKEN" thread. Wonder who may have started that?
  20. Boost313

    The Subway Foot-long Face-off Challenge

    Would like to truely appologize to those I may have offended last night. The Hot Pepper, SalsaLady and anyone else. An to appologize for the total disrespect to "Lucky Dog Hot Sauce" and his challange! Everyone keep on keepin on.