I'm with Dulac on this. It could be TMV. But I don't think so. A safe isolation and time will tell. Think it maybe caused by soil splash from watering. An the leaf directly contacting the soil. I get this on all my plants with the lower leaves especially the ones that touch the soil. I usually...
I used the GE analog type last year with great results. Turns the lights on and off the same time every day. Read some where not to use the digital ones on lights. As they can blow cfl's/fluorescents. Just can't remember where I read that now. They run $5-$10 depends where you get em.
I have found you can just set them on an old folded towel for a little while and that will help wick out some of the excess water after watering. An IMO I don't think your seed starting mix is the issue. As many on here have great results from it. Think it's an over watering issue foremost. An...
Probably not gonna be much help here. But it sounds like you're going threw what I did last year (my first year growing) An my issue was over babying. To much watering etc... All noob mistakes. I to tried the transplant when signs started showing. An all they did was stall. Didn't grow or...
Thanks Millwork. An what size T5 fixture would work best? Going to get a 4 ft one. Just not sure at how many bulbs are needed. As they come in 2-12 bulb options. Looking at just using this on seedlings til plant out date. Guessing around 60 plants. An maybe a select few to isolate while...
Thanks Mega figured you would chime in. An better luck to you and your futre endevoures!
I built one like that last year for for my grow. So if that's the case I'll just double it's size. Thanks for the heads up.
Hey all, heven't been posting in a while. Finished off my grow season and been busy with the holidays. This year I've purchased a 2'x4'x5' grow tent. My question is what would be the easiest/cheapest light set up for this? As I'm realy wanting to go flourescent. An can't realy find any info on...
"I am not convinced that adding some synthetics (a conservative amount) necessarily "destroys the soil web",
Totally agree with this in some way. I have been trying to fully research this topic myself. Google is no help. As it is a apparently the choice of growers. Fully one way or the other...
By counteract if you mean destroy the soil web and all the living microbes in it I say yea. But if you're just ferting to provide the plant nutes then you should be fine. Unless you start to experience over abundance of flower drop. Then back off the ferts a while.
Thanks for the info guys. I chose to bring the most prolifics in at midnight. Now my living room looks like a jungle! An my red nose mix don't know to pee or chew! lol
Just wondering if my bucket plants will be ok with these temps? Really don't have the room to bring them in. An this is the lowest temp in the 10 day forecast. But I am noticing with the lower night temps my pods are taking way longer to rippen (which is expected). But some are turning mushy...
+1 This happens quite often to me with my orange habs. Maybe 1 out of 10 has the little growth inside. Also had it in one of my TS cardi yellows this year.
+1 3-5 day treatments is what helped me earlier this season with that same product. As aphids have diff stages and cycles from egg to adult. An the orchard spray doesn't kill the eggs.