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  1. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    From the photos I have seen online the pods look like they will be a solid dark red. The one I picked today was a. Effected by the sum scald and b. Wasnt fully ripe.   The weather this year has been cold, it's still dropping down to around 0C at night so planting anything outside or even in the...
  2. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    I picked the sun scaled fruit today,  It contained about 170 seeds with 99.9% looking good. The vast majority of the seeds grow in the top 3cm of the fruit which is nice and makes cleaning the inside alot easier. I had a little taste taste but I'm going to hold off on forming an opinion untill I...
  3. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    The pod looks to be ripening from the bad bit out, I will wait it out and see if I can get some good seeds and a little bit of fruit to taste.  
  4. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    they are red peppers with elephant skin. I pulled this photo from google images, I dont expect mine will be this big. Yes its definitely sun scald.  We are still going below 0C some nights and yesterday we had a little snow so moving them outside is still not a option. 
  5. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    And another pod has gone bad, it's not on the same plant as the other bad pod.  
  6. Swinglish

    White spots on tomato leaves?

    Looks like you had water droplets on the leaves and the sun fried them
  7. Swinglish

    Help! Large white blotches?

    It looks like you had water on the leaf in direct sunlight, if the leaf was touching the window condensation can build up on the leaf over night then it will fry when the sun shines on it
  8. Swinglish

    Tomatoes seedlings WAY too tall, can I trim tops until I can plant?

    Are they big enough to take some cuttings? If so that is another option, tomatoe cuttings root very easily and fast
  9. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    The vezena piperkas are next to the window with a few rows of plants behind them, but today I pulled them out so I can give them a proper inspection to make sure there healthy and no critters are on the plants.  So I was able to get some better photos of them.....   The last photo is the 4th...
  10. Swinglish

    TPS true potato seeds grow

    I have a few more indoors under lights, I will be more careful with these
  11. Swinglish

    TPS true potato seeds grow

    So I fucked up :-(   I took them out to harden them off, I forgot I brought them outside and they go really sunburned, then I forgot to bring them inside and it dropped to -3C over  night.  You cant see it in the photo but its looking  like they are all done for  
  12. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    How many pods did you average in each plant?
  13. Swinglish

    Gnat Problem

    While cleaning the room with my plants in yesterday I found another slightly fun way to get rid of a fairly large amount of gnats. I used the hose attachment on the vacuum cleaner to suck them out the air, I noticed within a few seconds of knocking a pot that alot of gnats would come out the...
  14. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    It didn't really have any flavour, I had a little spicy tickle on my tongue like drinking a soda water that's been in a glass to long and lost 99% of the fizz. I have so many plants in front of the windows, the Vezena Piperkas havr the front row seat but I think it gets to hot right in front...
  15. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    The first pod that started growing had to be discarded,  it started going brown and mushy down one side. It smells wonderful but it's still to immature to get any real taste, although I did try it before I threw it away.   
  16. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    Thanks I'll take note of that. I had a piri piri plant whose pods behaved the same,
  17. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    The day after I ask I start to see the effect appearing....  
  18. Swinglish

    Lava's Log

    I grow the peach ghosts, when starting from seed they are fairly slow but after a couple of months they pick up the pace. Growing from cuttings they grow very fast. Peach ghosts are my favourite chilli plants to grow, I over wintered 10 of them and took cuttings from my favourite 2 plants aswell.
  19. Swinglish

    Vezena Piperka

    When do you start to see the elephant skin effect appearing on the pods? Is it when it starts to ripen or should I see it from when the pods start to grow?
  20. Swinglish

    Screw-ups, F-Ups and Embarrassments

    I sprayed a plant with a 50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar and isopropyl alcohol to kill spider mites, it worked but it also killed the plant.