Thanks CD and Paul. I sprayed a significant amount of neem on the 13th of December. It was at the reccomended concentration however I drenched the plants.
CD, your theory makes 100% percent sense. I have made this worse by trimming off the leaves and then placing most of the plants in direct...
They are being grown in coco coir/perlite. They looked okay 1-2 weeks ago and I had been treating them with a mix of pyrethrin, neem and dr bronners castile soap to combat a thrip and aphid infestation.
The big leaves started developing some black/brown spots so I cut them off and now the...
Thanks! For now I'll try the paper towel method but if that doesn't work then I'll try other methods with the remaining 20 seeds.
Here's a picture of the envelope. It is dated 23 - May - 1973. It's strange that they used roman numerals for the month, lol.
15 seeds on top of moist paper...
Thanks for the replies and support guys!
For now I'm going with the 3% KNO₃ solution soak and will take it from there. From the looks of the seeds if they are at all viable they won't need to be scarified and realistically wouldn't need to be soaked either, but it should help hasten up things...
Okay, so there are 35 seeds in the packet.
15 of them are now soaking in a 3% solution of Potassium nitrate. I'll probably soak them for 72 hours. At the bare minimum it will be 48 hours.
Interestingly the seeds seem to be in better shape than some of the seeds I bought from and those germinated fine. Maybe they will sprout :drooling:.
Hi. My grandma found out about my hobby and gifted me some old seeds. She bought them from Scotland in 1973 which makes the seeds about 45 years old (or perhaps even older).
What are the chances of them germinating?
I'm going to try a kno3/water soak before putting them on a heat pad.
Hi guys. Have had a rough couple of months but that's just life.. hoping things will get better. They always do.
I have learned so much from growing from seeds it's not funny.
1. I started way too early. My grow tent is small so the plants just didn't have much room to grow.
2. I was...
Welp. The lemon drop was starting to get big. It was started it way too early. I'm germinating more lemon drop seeds. Decided to trim and fim it. It looks terrible now but hopefully it bushes out.
The chocolate bhutlah SM is looking good except for some crinkly leaves. The nutes have...
Fingers crossed, thanks ❤️.
Lol, well it originally was just a test to see if the paper tower method worked. Turns out it did work. Too well, almost, lol.
A very generous reddit has sent me some Khang Starr Lemon Starrburst seeds (He wouldn't even accept payment for the postage to the other side of the world).
The Lemon Starrburst seeds are being soaked in a 3% solution of KNO3 for 24 or so hours then I will try to germinate them using the paper...
I found a bug in the grow tent today. Maybe that is what has been biting holes in some of the plants :(.
Small update to the "carolina reaper" experiment. The babies were getting too big so one had to be transplanted and the rest were culled.
There were a lot of helmet heads but 99% of them...
Well, the move was successful. We can't let our cats outside for 2-3 weeks so I can't keep the window to my room open for long. It's getting very hot in here.
Some of the plants were getting too big for the 200ml containers, perhaps they were planted a bit too deep because it was hard to feed...
Thanks guys.
About a month ago I decided to try the paper towel method with some "reaper" seeds.
It was a success. These were just placed on a paper towel inside of a ziplock bag on top of the fridge. I didn't add any extra water at any point.
I didn't have any plans for them but have...
Chocolate Bhutlah.
It seems to be doing well.
It has been fed every 3 days but it's getting thirsty so I'm going to feed it every 2 days.
Lemon Drop
This one is also very thirsty, it will be getting fed every 2 days, maybe even every 1 day. The very bottom leaves are getting a little...