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  1. LocalFart

    What should I grow?

      Haha, in my defence. My old man found black pepper too hot. So my childhood was filled with bland tasteless food :P   My father in law is working on me though... I'll get there one day :P
  2. LocalFart

    Rairdog's Grow and Beer 2017

    Your pollination rates would be amazing with all those bees around :)
  3. LocalFart

    What should I grow?

      Haha, you're just life my father in law, he grew up in the Bahamas and eats Scotch Bonnets on cheese and crackers.   I just sit there and think ouch :P   But Habaneros are definitely a good place to start, you will get a good harvest even on an average plant.
  4. LocalFart

    Trippa and the better late then never New Zealand Summer

    Nice looking patch there. looks like a decent harvest considering the late start
  5. LocalFart

    What should I grow?

      Scotty B's are pretty warm, pretty much the same as Habanero heat but the 7pot will be a decent amount hotter, they got their name from one pepper being able to spice 7 pots of stew  :party:   But if you're after a ton of heat you can go for some superhots, or Fatali?
  6. LocalFart

    Local's 1st Glog - Perth, Western Australia

    Yeah I just squashed them. what about the white dots on the leaf? would that be mites?
  7. LocalFart

    Local's 1st Glog - Perth, Western Australia

    Alas the bad news keeps coming. Bugs have gotten into my DWC as well.. I'm guessing on the back of flys or moths?   But the outdoor plants are flowering now. even though I've pinched off most of the infested leaves.
  8. LocalFart

    Local's 1st Glog - Perth, Western Australia

    Yeah I'm thinking so too.. not having a great time with problems:(   Hmm really? I thought that but I always seem to loose them outside. though. But I might try both methods :) see which ones better I guess. 
  9. LocalFart

    D3monic's Crossing Project/Community Grow

      Do you ever get that feeling you're being watched?
  10. LocalFart

    What should I grow?

    +1 on White Hot Peppers, he's who I'm buying from for next season.   Following his Glog, he knows his stuff.
  11. LocalFart

    What should I grow?

    :welcome:   I would say my favourites are, scotch bonnets MOA and a few types of 7pot's. What will help is saying what type of chilli you like.   For example, I'm really into the Caribbean flavours.   But good luck with your grow :D
  12. LocalFart

    Help diagnosing my problem?

    Yeah if it was just aphids I think I would do the same. But because there was a few different types. I thought it wouldn't really help :/   The plants aren't looking too bad and I had a look yesterday for any more bugs and they seem to have disappeared. hopefully they aren't just hiding under...
  13. LocalFart

    Growing Advice

    Yeah I think yours are fine too. Pretty much exactly what mine looked like.   Advice I can give because this was my first year also. Is to make sure you have some decent light, and flush the water every month or so and keep the PH level around the 6.5 mark.   I just use tap water and some local...
  14. LocalFart

    Help diagnosing my problem?

    Okay so checked the plants yesterday arvo. huge infestation of aphids thrips and Mealy Bugs.   So i nuked them... considering the season is coming to an end and the other issues I've had I thought I would go for the quick fix to try and rescue the end of the season. Gave them a treatment of...
  15. LocalFart

    Growing Advice

    Kinda like this size?   I say its all fine. mine got massive, but this it it now. And there is plenty of flowers.
  16. LocalFart

    Local's 1st Glog - Perth, Western Australia

    Yeah I started in August. But didn't give the seedlings enough lights so I had nearly 0 growth for about 3-4 months, it wasn't until I upgraded the lights that I got anywhere... definitely going to be prepared this year though... I'm going to start early and have the light cranked :)   But yeah...
  17. LocalFart

    Local's 1st Glog - Perth, Western Australia

    Bad news time. I found bugs, I found alot of bugs... Aphids, thips, Mealy bugs and more. So I decided to nuke my plants... no point in introducing predatory insects because it's the end of the season.   So I gave them a dose of these two to try and kill everything.   On the plus side. My DWC...
  18. LocalFart

    PaulG 2017

    Those plants are looking great.
  19. LocalFart

    Aero plant died/is dying mysteriously.

    Changed temp? are the roots in water in those systems?
  20. LocalFart

    pests Possible Pest Problem

    Just things like something may have fallen on it or a burnt spot if its been moved, soo many different things, but one thing that is learnt the hard way is to not sweat the small stuff.   most of the time people will overreact on small things and make the situation worse or kill their plants...