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  1. Jetchuka

    water Tap water conditioner?

    Rebelgrower is right, i read the article wrong. That's way too long to be boiling something simply to remove chloramines. Thankfully enough there's enough alternate ways of doing it.   That's a good article on citric acid btw, thank you for linking it. i started using it this year, i guess i'll...
  2. Jetchuka

    water Tap water conditioner?

    Yep, chloramines are trickier to deal with than chlorine.   Ascorbic/Citric acid is a cheap easy way to neutralize chloramines (those .99c lemon juice concentrate bottles from the supermarket). It supposedly doesn't take a lot for it to work.   Scroll halfway down this page for more ideas, look...
  3. Jetchuka

    Wind Turbine

    Apologies if the link was already posted, but here's a good alternative power discussion forum:
  4. Jetchuka

    tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

    Impressive cross.   Hopefully they stabilize to something with similar flavor to this F1.
  5. Jetchuka

    Can seeds be used from immature peppers?

    Looks full sized to me, a majority of seeds in that pod should be good.   Immature seeds are usually easy to spot, they're smaller and tend to turn black as you're drying them, the mature seeds tend to stay white.   But those temps sound warm enough to finish the ripening process, in a week or...
  6. Jetchuka

    Rabbit Manure versus Dairy Cow Manure

    Haha, reminds me of my father's last rabbit in a cage next to a line of Thuja shrubs he had planted. The three nearest shrubs are way taller than the ones further away, not weak and spindly either. The closest shrub didn't seem to mind the urine either (saturated for over a year).   The rabbit...
  7. Jetchuka

    baccatum No Heat Baccatum?

    Agreed, Aji Habanero, 99% of ripe pods have little to no heat. Once in a blue moon you'll find one with some spice to it. With the right genetics and growing conditions, it has the potential to turn into a monster plant with hundreds of pods. Even the non-ripe pods taste decent (not grassy).  ...
  8. Jetchuka

    storage Looks like October in my refrigerator =)

    A yummy autumn bounty.   Tabasco powder? Never thought about that, i love the flavor profile in tabasco sauce. I may just have to throw a plant into a big pot just to harvest for powder ... hmmm.
  9. Jetchuka

    Bhut....not hot....weird

    This is a prize imho, a narly Bhut-looking sweet pepper, hold onto a bunch of seeds for trading!!   The tops (calyx?) make it resemble a baccatum cross.   And it's University of New Mexico seed stock to boot...
  10. Jetchuka

    CalMag question

    That can be a tough determination to make. But when in doubt, i'd stick with balanced nutrition and not just a couple of minerals (cal + mag). Especially in the pro-mix pot, because that one was lacking nearly everything right from the start.
  11. Jetchuka

    Another mystery pepper

    Seed source / history? (chance of an accidental cross in the past?)  I looked up Chinchi Uchu and did see pics of slightly more elongated pods.   There is a good chance that multiple strains have appeared on the market, when that happens you'll see some variation.   If the pods have a yummy...
  12. Jetchuka

    Bag of Goodies From A Co-Worker

    If the yellow ones have any spice, then i'd say they look more like Hungarians, hard to tell through the plastic though.   As for the other ones, there are so many Cayenne lines that it might be just that. There's a lot of other less-common peppers that look like them, but those other types...
  13. Jetchuka

    Hab plant tall - not bushy

    8 hours of sun is good enough to prevent a lanky tall plant.   But a couple of pictures would speak a thousand words. Ideally a good pic or two of the plant, and a close-up of an open flower.
  14. Jetchuka

    plant My planting chart is useless please help

    Flower does not look like a Baccatum.   I'd lean more towards Chinense now as opposed to Annuum.   Purple stems & stalks. Pods start out purple and upright, but ripen to who knows what color.   If i stumble upon anything similar, i'll dig up this thread and let you know.
  15. Jetchuka

    pics Whatever this is, it is spreading to all of my plants and killing them. Pics inside.

    I know Daconil is the big guns for fungus and blight when used on tomatoes, never had to use it on pepper plants so i don't know how well it would work.   Here's another article you may want to glance at before purchasing a product:   If you...
  16. Jetchuka

    plant My planting chart is useless please help

    No problem.   Was wondering if the purple pod plant had  flowers with green/olive colored stripes? If it does, then then we'll be a lot closer to figuring it out.
  17. Jetchuka

    Two Mystery Peppers - Possible Hybrid??

    I've seen other Bhut hybrids look like Plant #1, including Bhut's mixed with standard annuums. The plant and leaves give me that crossed vibe as well.   You have something pretty unusual imho. I would save the seeds from several different pods, but remember every seed you plant next year (F2 or...
  18. Jetchuka

    plant My planting chart is useless please help

    This one has a typical upright Baccatum growth pattern, even pod and leaf shape.   The purple color is throwing me off though, did they start green and turn purple? Do the flowers have greenish colored fringes? And since they tasted raw, i wonder if purple is their final ripe color...   Any...
  19. Jetchuka


    As mentioned, wasps won't harm plants nor distribute pollen.   As for crossed flowers, try to isolate a few unopened flowers very soon, this way they can form pure pods & seed before your season ends.   Here's a thread that explains how to do it...
  20. Jetchuka

    care for peppers in ripening stage

    Your next batch of green pods, the ones that are still growing, need nutrition, feed them seymour :)