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  1. Jetchuka

    media Coco Potting Mix

    I love coco for seedlings but only as an ingredient to mix with other stuff like peat, bark compost, and lots of perlite (i mix it with fox farms ocean forest soil). I'm sure vermiculate would help. If you use coco alone, eventually the plants will turn yellow and chlorotic looking. It stays wet...
  2. Jetchuka

    S......L......O.......W growing habaneros and ghosts

    Those plants do have an overwatered look to them. It's happened to many in north america this year. There's a chance that the nutrients may be in the soil already, but overwatering causes the plants to enter a state where they cannot absorb them (aka nutrient lockout).   Personally, for store...
  3. Jetchuka

    health weird spots.......

    I only see one BLS spot, the rest look like the black fungal spots which pop up after heavy rains.   Agreed with rebelgrower, a shot of fungicide would clear those up, certain fungicides may  work better than others depending on what you're spraying for.
  4. Jetchuka

    Do they all turn red?

    In my experience, they all turn to one of the ripe colors, yellow, red, gold, orange, brown, etc etc.   It's the "wait" that you're dealing with now. And this is where the rest of us will counsel some patience.   I wouldn't eat them all as green pods, you won't get the intended flavors that way...
  5. Jetchuka

    Tomato Blossom End Rot?

    From what i read, WGB pretty much hit the nail on the head. It usually isn't due to lack of calcium in the ground soil btw, it's most often due to nutrient lockout from erratic or overwatering. Containers are a similar story, depending on well amended it is.   The best thing to do is have your...
  6. Jetchuka

    tomato issue....

    When tomatoes get twisty and drooped like that it's often been a temporary stress reaction in my experience. The effect should be temporary, and your plant looks healthy otherwise.   Overwatering combined with a nitrogen application did it the last time for me, took them a good week to un-bend...
  7. Jetchuka

    Pot Change?

    I have some of the same blue 50 cent walmart bags, they are only 1/2 the thickness of other growbags. With good care they might last a second season, but going by the pics people posted here, the bags look beat up after the first season. The plants do get pretty big in them.   Sick625, i think...
  8. Jetchuka

    The official TOMATO thread

      I see this great picture every time i enter this thread. It reminds me of how i keep forgetting to plant this variety every year. This pic has convinced me to get the seed ahead of time and store it for next year. I know the parents would love it too, so i'll be sure to give them some...
  9. Jetchuka

    health HELP!!, my leaf whats wrong? (pic inside)

    Nah, nothing that severe, you can give them an hour or two less sun tomorrow if you want.   If that's the only sunscald you got after a whole day's sun, then your plants are 99% hardened off already.
  10. Jetchuka

    health HELP!!, my leaf whats wrong? (pic inside)

    Yep, looks like sunscald, i wouldn't worry about it.   Yanking the worst couple of leaves is optional, otherwise the plant knows how to abort them itself.
  11. Jetchuka

    health HELP!!, my leaf whats wrong? (pic inside)

    No pics, says the images have been moved or deleted.
  12. Jetchuka

    my redheaded stepchild

    If seeds from the same pack are producing different plants/pods then it probably means that the donator pod was a cross. Your plants/pods do sorta have that cross-breed vibe.   Or the seed packer (word?) packed them sloppy with anything mixed in.   Maybe DocNrock is right in a way, maybe it's a...
  13. Jetchuka

    Pot Change?

    Maybe drill a bunch of holes in the sides to get the air moving?   I mean a whole lotta holes, make it look like a crime scene !!
  14. Jetchuka

    is this normal growth?

    Egg shells take too long to break down and work. Cal-mag works right away.   But i'd save my money and use a balanced product after potting up, just make sure the nitrogen number is lower (NPK).   A good quick solution is Espoma Tomato Tone. It has just about everything that established peppers...
  15. Jetchuka

    The official TOMATO thread

      Copper, Daconil, Serenade, Activonate, Mancozeb, Excel LG. There are a couple more good ones but these are the most discussed. Mulching the ground helps with the splash up, and improves your soil over time, especially clay.   Daconil seems to get the highest marks in all tomato forums though...
  16. Jetchuka

    Epsom salt for calcium deficiency

    ^^^ also, vinegar breaks down dolomitic lime to a usable form  faster, and brings it's high PH more into balance, not a big concern though imho.   But as Potawie said, there is usually enough calcium in the ground already,  unlike nitrogen. But certain conditions will cause a plant to lock it...
  17. Jetchuka


    Yummy fresh harvested peppers of all types, think of all the culinary possibilities, sheez now i'm hungry.   Thank you for posting updates!!
  18. Jetchuka

    breeding another cross... wtf!

    Tasty looking pod, outside of all the variabilty the next generations will have, it looks like another keeper to me.   Where did this year's seed originate from again?  Someone may not have bagged their blooms too well.   And is there any chance that this plant was mislabeled, as opposed to...
  19. Jetchuka

    is this normal growth?

    All pepper types have their particular growth habits, all of which is influenced by climate and soil quality. You may have given them a good dose of nitrogen since they are so leafy, but still very healthy looking.   I wouldn't pick any more flowers, i would only lightly use fertilizer that has...
  20. Jetchuka

    The official TOMATO thread

    I wouldn't use vinegar, a known weed/plant killer, and not that effective on bacteria when watered down.. Scroll down half way to see the damage watered down vinegar can do.   Tomatoes are so sensitive to blights and bacterias, that i don't like using home remedies on them. I go right for the...