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  1. badnews222

    seeds Newbie...What's going on with my seedlings?

    Update on my plant...i think it was getting too much light. I removed it from the direct light , and has shown some improvements. I would try increasing the space between your grow bulb and the plants. seems to have made a difference with mine.
  2. badnews222

    seeds Trouble germinating Brown Moruga

    ive had no issues...i am having trouble germinating my pineapple rocoto...its been about 40 days and still nothing,,,
  3. badnews222

    seeds Newbie...What's going on with my seedlings?

    Im having the same issue with my aji mango that im growing. plant is just over a month old, hasnt been overwatered and havent fertilized it yet. leaves are curling with the edges turning yellow. i originally thought it was getting too much artificial light  , so i cut back the intensity, but...
  4. badnews222

    When shalt they be ripe?

    this my first yr growing superhots....and it does take a long time for the pods to took mine about 5-6 weeks...i have some peach bhuts on the go, and i swear its been 6+ weeks, and there still not ripe! i guess it depends on your local temps...
  5. badnews222

    Bring the heat!

    I grew some peach scorpions this year, bit into one, and it seriously tasted like battery acid. Nice pepper to look at, not so much for flavor.   Not trying to hijack....heres my haul so far...still got tons more on the plants. ">http:// ">
  6. badnews222

    drying first time dehydrating and making powder

    i just use a reqular old food wonders!
  7. badnews222

    Trying to grow Carolina Reaper

    holy shite! well dont mean to bring up old threads...but i moved this plant...and it pretty much toppled over...i had written it off...planted it in august 2014 and has been an uphill battle ever since....when it toppled over...i was ready to throw it in the recycling bin...but since i had put...
  8. badnews222

    First ripening of the year!

    Awesome! Im waiting for my overwintered bells to ripen! They were the sweetest peppers i have ever eaten!
  9. badnews222

    New Grower - Have A Look

    Hey congrats! By no means do i mean to rain on your parade, but im up in canada and started my plants in jan/feb...and every single plant is producing some fruit so called green house is a forest of about 12 pepper plants. I use 1/3 sand, 1/3 manure, 1/3 potting soil as a soil mix.  keep...
  10. badnews222

    Please help if you can

    Damn....I cant help you...but ill say a prayer for those sick plants!
  11. badnews222

    Is this a reaper?

    it is an early pod. its one of the first fruit the plant has produced
  12. badnews222

    Is this a brain strain? new to this i find it hard to differentiate from 7 pot , trinidad scorpion, brain strain and carolina reaper.
  13. badnews222

    Is this a reaper?

    just regular old 7 pots...although i did end up with a chocolate 7 pot somehow...not complaining! No...different plant from my other pepper id threads...
  14. badnews222

    Is this a reaper?

    Grew some carolina reaper , 7 pots, peach scorpion and brain strain....unfortunately during the upsizing of planters, i neglected to label the plants.   ">http://    
  15. badnews222

    Is this a brain strain?

    Or reaper?  
  16. badnews222

    Hello from north of the border.

    Hey....Whats up?! from ontario , canada!   Lots of great info from the members on this site!
  17. badnews222

    misc Just released some ladybugs...

    Just to update on the ladybugs/aphyid situation...its been just a little over 2 weeks now and i dont see many ladybugs around anymore, but i can see eggs on some of the leaves, and have noticed at least one or two larvae on each plant...and for what  its worth there has been a definite reduction...
  18. badnews222

    pests Losing battle with aphids

    I had a  fungus gnat problem and believe it or not , all i did was put up those yellow sticky two days they would be covered with the gnats! Simple but effective.    Im currently trying ladybugs for my aphid infestation...i released a couple of hundred of them inside my greenhouse...
  19. badnews222

    If you could visit the Caribians for seed stock...

    i didnt read the link, but i have heard that the hair on your arms stands up just before you get struck by lightning....
  20. badnews222

    Hello from Greenville, SC!
