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  1. chillilover

    Oh Sad day!

    How do leaf minors do this?
  2. chillilover

    Oh Sad day!

    Do you smoke or did they get it from tobacco plants?
  3. chillilover

    Only my douglahs are looking bad

    And here's how they look now outside. Made a great recovery.
  4. chillilover

    Making soap spray

    2 tsp of murphys oil soap per 500ml spray bottle. Spray out of direct sunlight then I like to rinse of 1/2 hour later just to be sure. The oil in murphys helps to kill the bugs.
  5. chillilover

    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Hello fellow Ontarian.....where abouts are you from?
  6. chillilover

    seeds seedlings dying

    A pictures worth 451 856 and 1/2 words..........
  7. chillilover

    Ornamental Peppers

    Herees some I grew from last year. Black Pearl Bolivian Rainbow Explosive ember
  8. chillilover

    Tons of big wood in promix

    It was dry but it was an 85L bag
  9. chillilover

    Potawie's early progress 2010

    Ok, good didn't want you dying on us.
  10. chillilover

    Tons of big wood in promix

    It was the potting and seeding mix. Good thing it's for my pots and not to start seeds.
  11. chillilover

    Tons of big wood in promix

    I used pro mix potting and seeding mix last year and bought the same this year. There are tons of big pieces of wood in and and I wondered if I missed it last year or what? Some pieces were like driftwood.
  12. chillilover

    Potawie's early progress 2010

    That wood you have in there looks like pressure treated. Is it?
  13. chillilover

    Devastation, brought to you by Ma Nature

    Don't worry bro I dropped my seedlings earlier in the season and thought they were done and have never looked better. You'll be making us jelous at seasons end.........
  14. chillilover


    Which peppers are the tree habs.......? Nice to see the starfish grew true.........
  15. chillilover

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    Every few days until they are gone. They are relentless.
  16. chillilover

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    Don't spray in direct sun and I alway rinse off after 1/2 hour or so just in case. I use 2 tsp per 500ml water. Get bottoms of leaves well and spray stem too. I read use soft water too, I guess the minerals bond to the oil making it less effective.
  17. chillilover

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    Non antibacterial...........I use murphys oil soap because its not a detergent, it's real soap. The oils in it help kill the aphids.
  18. chillilover

    issue HELP!!!! Scorpion needs attention...

    NOOOOOO! Not antibacterial! Rinse, rinse, rinse!