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  1. mega

    Big problems with my Bonda and Aji Habs - help needed

    These 3 plants were transplanted a week ago. They were having problems pre-transplant, but I figure up-potting them and moving them into the sun might help. Instead, they seem to be worse. The bonda (first two pix) has SEVERE yellowing on the leaves except the veins, which are nice and green...
  2. mega

    Top 5 Picks

    For prolific and hearty, my experience has been Jalapeno Early, Orange Habanero, Aji Limon, and Mesilla. The latter three gave me well in excess of 100 pods each, last year, in pots !!!! The Jal Early was more like 30-40 pods, but the Jal Early is an indestructible plant that can take almost...
  3. mega

    pests Anyone got a stinkbug solution in mind for this season?

    OK, I'm armed now. I went to Home Depot. They had the Ortho stuff in small, medium, large, gigantic, astoundingly huge, and No More F*#&$@ing Around. I bought the latter. Organic gardening is a concept I've believed in, but new developments require new tactics and methods. Fighting stink...
  4. mega

    pests Anyone got a stinkbug solution in mind for this season?

    OrthoMax users: this stuff sounds pretty good ... how do you use it? Is it something you spray on once, or something you apply every week or two during the season? Also, do you have to really scrub the pods to get the Ortho off of them when you eat them, or is it truly safe for consumption? Tnx
  5. mega

    pests Anyone got a stinkbug solution in mind for this season?

    Hey all! Just wondering if anyone has come up with a stinkbug strategy yet. Here in VA, it's rumored that this year will totally crush last year in terms of stink bug infestation. And last year itself was of epidemic proportions - about 40 % of my pods were destroyed. We've got them crawling...
  6. mega

    Yellowing leaves with green veins...

    I've had the same problem this season. By process of elimination (I tried adding fert, subtracting fert, + calcium, + magnesium, repotting, etc. etc.) I am nearly positive now that it is simply overwatering. Try taking one, taking it out of its pot, getting rid of or really drying out the wet...
  7. mega

    Promix MPX?

    I had one 3.8cf bag of that last year, and 2 of the (white) BX. I couldn't tell any difference at all, in terms of how the plants grew. There may be some subtle or technical differences, but in terms of the basic "how many pods and are they nice and big" question, I think the two Promixes are...
  8. mega

    help! Yellow leaves ... I mean REALLY yellow leaves

    Greetings, I have about 45 plants. 35 of them are doing great, but about 10 of them are showing some serious yellowing on the leaves, especially the new leaves. If anyone can tell me what's going on here, I'd really appreciate it. I just misted them with some epsom salt, which is why they're...
  9. mega

    moved 'em outside!

    Miracle Grow Organic is awful. Highly recommend avoiding it. I don't know what's in that stuff, but my experience is absolutely terrible trying to grow peppers in it. I'd rather grow peppers in Home Depot topsoil for $1.50 a bag, if I had to. I wouldn't use Organic if they gave it to me for...
  10. mega

    Any downsides to bonemeal?

    I recently repotted all my peppers with about a teaspoon of bonemeal per 4" pot. The difference in a week is amazing! My somewhat sickly looking seedlings have turned robust, with big green leaves and substantial new growth, including much Y-forking. In 2 weeks they will be moved to their...
  11. mega

    seeds Any idea what is wrong with this seedling?

    I'm thinking that's it. I had a bank of 8 T5's about 3-4 inches over the plant tops. I think it was just too much for them, both the light and the heat. All my plants look stressed out, with taco-shaped leaves and other signs of stress. I backed the lights off to about 12 inches. I'm also...
  12. mega

    seeds Any idea what is wrong with this seedling?

    Thanks for the input, guys. I've taken a few plants with these problems, and isolated them to run experiments. I'm giving them a few days off from the strong T5 lights. I gave a couple epsom salt, and 1 got both epsom and blood meal. Hopefully, in 4-5 days it'll be better, and clear as to...
  13. mega

    seeds Any idea what is wrong with this seedling?

    Hi all, anybody have an idea what is wrong with this seedling? It's a Sandia. Been watered twice a week, 1/2 strength fish fert applied twice, under T5 flouros. I have a few others that look like this too, but this one's the worst. Thanks.
  14. mega

    Short vs tall

    Short and bushy!! Keeping the lights very close, and keeping the area on the cooler side, will make them squat and bushy. Higher temperatures and lights further away will make them taller and lankier. I'm a big fan of making them as squat, bushy, and fat as I possibly can. More nodes now =...
  15. mega

    Pot Size

    Will it really have such a severe effect on the plant. After seeing "Bonchi" I assumed with a 2.5 gallon pot I'd just end up with a smaller plant with a lower yield but still lots of good sized tasty chillies I've heard (for example, on this board) of people growing in as small as 1-gallon...
  16. mega

    Pot Size

    Not to run with the herd, but I concur with the 5 and 7 gallon comment. Those are the two perfect sizes for pepper growing, in my experience. 5 gallon for smaller Jalapeno-type plants, 7 gallon for larger aji's, bells, etc. Anything smaller than 5 gallon is gonna cost ya in pod size and...
  17. mega

    Noob Transplant Help

    those are cotyledons - the fake leaves. Next will come a set of true leaves, and then another set. When you've got two full sets of true leaves, or that is to say, 6 total green things sticking out from the stem, then it's about time to up-pot. But imho no harm is done waiting a little longer...
  18. mega

    Possible alternative to Promix BX

    It's probably fine, but I'm pretty sure the magic in ProMix is in the fungi and other intangibles, not in the basic ingredients. I've tried all sorts of combinations of peat, perlite, etc., and nothing else gets them seedlings moving like BX.
  19. mega

    Pro mix bx

    I get it for $30 even, here in VA. My attitude about ProMixBx is: whatever it costs, it's worth it. $43's a lot, though.
  20. mega

    seeds Guidance/help needed with Aji Habanero seedlings

    Greetings, friends, I could use a bit of input or guidance with my Aji Habaneros. They are not lookin' so good. The cotyledons came in last week yellow-ish, with a green stripe down the middle. I wrote that off to just probably being a unique look. Then the first true leaves started coming...