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  1. mega

    harvesting My Oct 25, 2010 harvest.

    The light-colored ones are Mariachi's. They are not sold in many places - primarily at Burpees - and I've never seen them in a supermarket. I think the white chillis are something very different. Mariachis are thick-fleshed stuffing or roasting peppers, with a trace of heat, enough pungency to...
  2. mega

    harvesting My Oct 25, 2010 harvest.

    1. There seems to be some debate (on this board) about Aji Limon vs. Lemon Drop. Some say they are different. I've grown both, and they seem like the EXACT same thing to me, kind of like asking "Is a House the same thing as a Casa?" 2. The closest I came to a formal stink bug strategy was...
  3. mega

    harvesting My Oct 25, 2010 harvest.

    Haha, yep, good call -- they're yellow pear and red pear tomatoes. Nice tasting little tomatoes, easy to grow too. Incidentally, the peppers are (starting at 12:00 and going around clockwise more or less) - grand marconi hybrid - great taste; slightly disappointing yield in the low 20's - aji...
  4. mega

    What the... EXPLOSIVE orange hab growth in mid-October?

    I feed all my plants the same thing - alternating between TomatoTone and Neptune's Fish/Seaweed, every three weeks (i.e. really only 4-5 fertilizing events the entire season). They grew so much differently and better this year than last, I'm just trying to figure out what I did differently or...
  5. mega

    harvesting My Oct 25, 2010 harvest.

    Harvested a pretty nice pile of peppers today - October 25, in Virginia!! Kinda expected things to be over about a month ago, but the pods keep comin' and comin'. The total Aji Limon count is now north of 250!! Wish I knew what the cause of this was, so I could repeat it next year! All the...
  6. mega

    What the... EXPLOSIVE orange hab growth in mid-October?

    So I've got an orange hab here with 50-60 new pods. All the pods in these pics got started after the main growth spurts of August/Sept were over (total of 105 pods pulled through 9/15). This plant apparently does not know the season is over. 150+ pods in a potted deck plant???!!!?? Man what...
  7. mega

    What fertilzers are your choice ferts ?

    Hehehe yeah, once you do the Neptune's, there's no going back. TomatoTone: I use a lot of it, actually. For my potted deck plants, prior to transplant, I mixed in about a cup to each of my 5 gal pots of ProMix BX. Then, each feeding thereafter was a top dressing, which I believe was 3 oz. I...
  8. mega

    What fertilzers are your choice ferts ?

    Depends a bit on where we are in the season. I used the recommended strength (1 tablespoon per gallon) from Memorial Day to around August 1, then I do the last few feedings from August 1 to Sept 15 a bit stronger, like 1.25 or 1.50 tablespoons per gallon. Then I pour about a quart of the...
  9. mega

    pics Lemon Drop Pics and a review

    That is true, I've done it - Lemon Drop pods will continue to ripen even on a plant killed by frost. Or for that matter, if you cut them off and throw them in a bag in your kitchen, they'll still ripen. As a matter of fact, a storm came through a few weeks ago that broke off a branch with...
  10. mega

    Lemon Drops taste much better when ripe!

    This is my second season with lemon drops. They are only turning ripe now. Last year I started them in mid March and they didn't start ripening until October; then we hit the frost date, and I ended up carrying all 35 of the pods indoors to ripen. (Interestingly, they DID all ripen after...
  11. mega

    The limon or lemon peppers, what's the difference

    I'm 99.99 % sure that Lemon Drop = Aji Lemon. I've grown both and they seem/taste exactly the same to me. Not familiar with a "limon" as something separate from an aji limon.
  12. mega

    Mutant: 7 foot tall Aji Limon with 200+ pods

    Hi...I'd be delighted to send a few seeds of this monstrous mutant plant to anyone who wants to PM/email me for the address and send an SASE. The pods only have a few seeds each, so I'd be sending probably 3-4 seeds per person. It will take a few more weeks to get fully-ripe pods to ensure...
  13. mega

    Good strain for beginner growers

    I vote for the Jalapeno Early. They are practically indestructible, and will grow and prosper in any kind of environment - low sun, a bit too cold, too hot, too much rain, too dry, etc. They grow in large numbers and taste good, too. They have another big advantage - the "early" part. For...
  14. mega

    seeds problems germinating fatali/orange hab

    20C is too cold to germinate. You really need 27-30C. At 20C you are going to get low germination rates and long germination times - exactly as is occurring. On the other hand, 20C all day should work quite well once they sprout. If you have some more fresh seeds, you might try starting up...
  15. mega

    Mutant: 7 foot tall Aji Limon with 200+ pods

    The 200+ pod count is kind of an estimate. I lost track at about 140 and still had a long way to go. Between the Mariachi on the left (conical beige pods), and the Hot Finger on the right (red cayenne-type pods), that is all ONE plant - all the foliage in the foreground [including in front of...
  16. mega

    Any opinions on MG 15-30-15 ?

    HP - cool! Can you provide some more info on what you did - how often/how much MG 15-30-15 and Epsom? Did you substitute that for organics or are you feeding with organic ferts too? Thanks
  17. mega

    Any opinions on MG 15-30-15 ?

    I'm seeking a fert for mid-season blossom/bud/pod development. Looking for something with more punch than the organics. I heard good things about the MG 15-30-15 formulation, but not specifically in relation to peppers. Wondering if any pepper growers here have tried this mix specifically to...
  18. mega

    My first shot at growing peppers.

    They look fine to me - the first true leaves being a bit lighter than the cotyledons is normal. The cotyledons contain the nutrients needed to get the plant at least to the first true leaves, and some say to the 2nd. I wouldn't be giving them anything just yet, but that's just me. Yellow is...
  19. mega

    Odd Jalapenos

    Those ripe pods are done sucking up energy from your plant. However, you can get revenge for what they did earlier, by eating them. They look delicious - nice corking and color. In my garden, that kind of pod doesn't make it past my next breakfast.
  20. mega

    seeds Started a few seeds...need some advice.

    actually, I think you want those seeds about 1/4 inch under the surface of the soil. I push them in with my thumb just a little and flick a few grains of dirt over the seeds and that's it, probably more like 1/8 inch. There's just no upside with peppers in having them struggle their way to the...