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  1. W

    2018 - The Farm

    Plumbing is just like wiring, man. Just think of it as a CATV distribution line, it lays out the same way.
  2. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    So, nothing really happening here. Everything is the same size it has been for two weeks, which worries me. We're now into the 90F degree days, and that won't end for the next three to four months, so hopefully the heat won't be a problem with such tiny plants.
  3. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Stuff went in the ground tuesday-just now getting to posting stuff. Planted 20 Maduro M1 mutants, and 6 Chinese giants. Potted up the fish pepper and will keep it separated by both buildings and distance from everything else. The Black Pearl peppers will go out in the front yard, as decorative...
  4. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Trade show out of town this weekend-found two black pearl peppers and a fish pepper. Hopefully when I get home, the majority of my grow will be ready to hit the dirt-only a week later than it needed to be. These black pearl peppers are freakin sweet. I wonder how difficult it would be to cross...
  5. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    This is a photo I took when the end of the pinched off stem started to swell up a bit.     This is the same plant a few days ago.     And this is today. Contrast kinda sucks but you can see the thready bits of the first leaves coming up out of the split there.     These two are my most...
  6. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Yep, that pinched-off stem now has its first true leaves, actually beating out it's bigger brother in the same cell.   Was out of town for work today, found a garden center with some Fresno peppers. Bought one, it'll be neat!   Current counts:   36 Maduro Mutant M1-some seedlings showing first...
  7. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    One of the multiple-sprout cells that has Maduro Mutant M1 seed sprouted up had two come up, and so I pinched off the weaker one.   The dang thing has split the end of the remaining stalk and sprouted up a new growth tip. it's had no cotyledons at all since day 2 of sprouting up, and it's about...
  8. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Looking at the plants I have played with fertilizers on, this is what I have found.   A bottlecap of burpee transplant fertilizer (pretty sure it's made of dried chicken shit) into a liter of water turns it coffee black after a day. Bottom watering 8 seedlings with this bumped their size up...
  9. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Alright, after burning a few due to too much light, not enough water, etc..I finally got some tequila sunrise to sprout up.   The current survivors:   36 Maduro Mutant M1-some seedlings showing first sets of true leaves 36 Chinese Giant-some seedlings showing first sets of true leaves 12 Tequila...
  10. W

    Late start for Datils, growing in a bucket?

    The plan was to overwinter two plants, assuming I got two plants to grow at all. I was looking at hydroponics this year mainly because of the luck I have had with tomatos last year. I wasn't even trying to grow them hydroponically, but that's what happened...   Tomato was a broken off branch...
  11. W

    Late start for Datils, growing in a bucket?

    Just started the Datil yellow seeds I got, 6 seeds in the Zip-lock/paper towel method. I know it's very late to be starting them, so I plan to grow them in 3 gallon pots this year, and bring them inside for winter. Other options include dutch bucket hydroponics, which is something I want to try...
  12. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Lots of seedlings up with the cotyledons out, but when they first came out, they spread out flat and were nice and green. Today, almost all of them had their cotyledons folded almost straight up. Is this normal, or something to worry about?
  13. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Today's counts, 4/14/2018:   45 Maduro Mutant M1 (three seeds per pod...I separated and repotted...) 54 Chinese Giant (same...) 0 Cali TCW (I abandoned these, digging up the seeds in two cells showed only a hard dry seed...) 0 Tequila Sunrise 0 Datil Yellow
  14. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    The 4 4ft LED's are the room lights, the room is 8ft by 12ft and 8ft ceiling, the incandescents are additional lights mounted to the bottom of the cabinet for now.   I haven't found any 6500K bulbs that are LED, just 5100K so far. I also have 3000K LED's, but they are older and are not as...
  15. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Counts as of this evening (4/12/2018): 22 Maduro Mutant M1 25 Chinese Giant 0 Cali TCW 0 Tequila Sunrise 0 Datil Yellow I planted two or three seeds in each cell of the starter tray, so ultimately I could wind up with 75 of the first three...but I plan to cut back the weaker plants or if they...
  16. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    New Count as of 4/12/2018: (six days since planting)   15 Maduro Mutant M1   3 Chinese Giant   0 Cali TCW   0 Tequila Sunrise   0 Datil Yellow
  17. W

    Wolf's Learn to Grow Log.

    Growing peppers out at my workshop this year, using leftover stuff from past years at the house. Hoping to get a few in dutch buckets, but will settle for getting any to grow at all. I've never done hydro so I am starting with what I know, and what I know, is how to kill a BUNCH of plants. Good...
  18. W

    First time growing peppers from seed

    Hello, I'm from Kentucky/6A, and have grown vegetables in the garden with my dad for years. This year, I am growing some peppers from seed, mostly because I was trying to get the Enjoya bell to stripe up, but now that I know that's not happening, mostly to see if I can actually get peppers from...