Not sure what my Thursday night plans are. I'm coming in Thursday evening around dinner time, but I might be playing taxi to a few of the other blogger guys as their flights come in later.
Thanks! Even if I wasn't involved with this podcast, it would still be something I would forward to hearing.
I've talked with Brian Meagher about some of the show's subject matter. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but the main feature will be more than just an interview with a hot...
I will be taking lots of photos and plan on posting them to my website 2-3 times a day (the link is below in my signature). I also am thinking about having a contest for those who are stuck at home and are unable to attend the show.
I wanna know who decides these things. Just doing a Google search, I've found that previous years have had International Hot and Spicy Food Day on January 21st and 15th.
It's a completely different book than the two books DeWitt or Bosland released in the past, The Pepper Garden and Peppers of the World: An Identification Guide. So this new one is not just a reprint of either one of those with a few words or paragraphs added or edited here or there.
Mongoose does contain extract. I happen to think it's pretty tasty considering it is an extract sauce, and an ultra-hot one at that. I was told by Sue Hard that it's approximately 3 million SHU.
Sounds like you got a bad bottle. I happen to love the stuff.
Danny did tweak the formula a bit not too long ago. It's now a bit milder and has more of a citrus/mango taste, whereas before it had more of a habanero/vinegar flavor. But never anything as harsh as you describe.