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  1. Scott Roberts

    event Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show - March 5 - 7, 2010

    Not sure what my Thursday night plans are. I'm coming in Thursday evening around dinner time, but I might be playing taxi to a few of the other blogger guys as their flights come in later.
  2. Scott Roberts

    event Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show - March 5 - 7, 2010

    Anyone else planning to make the trek out to ABQ?
  3. Scott Roberts

    Hello from San Diego, CA

    Welcome from snowy St. Louis, Missouri!
  4. Scott Roberts

    Coming in outtta da cold

    Welcome from snowy St. Louis, Missouri!
  5. Scott Roberts

    She like me nutz

    I'm not a huge fan of bacon. Yes, it can be good at times, but I wish the whole hype/craze/fad/meme about bacon would kind of die out.
  6. Scott Roberts

    New T-shirts and upcoming interview.

    Here's the direct link to listen to or download the episode with your interview:
  7. Scott Roberts

    event Calling all manufacturers and hot sauce aficionados!

    But good beer is even better when cold.:beer: Light beer? I rank that down there with Zima and foo-foo drinks.;)
  8. Scott Roberts

    event Calling all manufacturers and hot sauce aficionados!

    Just as long as it stays cold.:cheers:
  9. Scott Roberts

    event Can't make it to the Show?

    I know what you mean. Sometimes fresh jalapenos can kick my ass, while usually something like orange habs will have little effect on me.
  10. Scott Roberts

    event Can't make it to the Show?

    Oh, yeah... :cool:
  11. Scott Roberts

    event Can't make it to the Show?

    Crap, now I'm gonna be paranoid by every guy who comes into my vicinity. :D
  12. Scott Roberts

    HotSauceWeekly - the First Hot Sauce Podcast

    Thanks! Even if I wasn't involved with this podcast, it would still be something I would forward to hearing. I've talked with Brian Meagher about some of the show's subject matter. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but the main feature will be more than just an interview with a hot...
  13. Scott Roberts

    event Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show - March 5 - 7, 2010

    I will be taking lots of photos and plan on posting them to my website 2-3 times a day (the link is below in my signature). I also am thinking about having a contest for those who are stuck at home and are unable to attend the show.
  14. Scott Roberts

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Welcome from drizzly/rainy/foggy St. Louis, Missouri!
  15. Scott Roberts

    Greetings from Eastern New York.

    Welcome from drizzly/rainy/foggy St. Louis, Missouri!
  16. Scott Roberts

    Today is International Hot and Spicy Food Day

    I wanna know who decides these things. Just doing a Google search, I've found that previous years have had International Hot and Spicy Food Day on January 21st and 15th.
  17. Scott Roberts

    The Complete Chile Pepper Book - signed copies. Bosland & DeWitt

    It's a completely different book than the two books DeWitt or Bosland released in the past, The Pepper Garden and Peppers of the World: An Identification Guide. So this new one is not just a reprint of either one of those with a few words or paragraphs added or edited here or there. There's...
  18. Scott Roberts

    Black Mamba - CaJohns

    Yeah, sometimes they can sneak in extract under the guise of "natural flavoring" or "spices". :)
  19. Scott Roberts

    Black Mamba - CaJohns

    Mongoose does contain extract. I happen to think it's pretty tasty considering it is an extract sauce, and an ultra-hot one at that. I was told by Sue Hard that it's approximately 3 million SHU.
  20. Scott Roberts

    Danny Cash's "Mean Streak"

    Sounds like you got a bad bottle. I happen to love the stuff. Danny did tweak the formula a bit not too long ago. It's now a bit milder and has more of a citrus/mango taste, whereas before it had more of a habanero/vinegar flavor. But never anything as harsh as you describe.