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  1. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    I have the winners speadsheets from Pam Betz. It might take a while to pour through them, as they're not written in a simple 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place manner. I have poor quality photos of the printouts here: I don't...
  2. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    Everything I've read said it was the "owner of Chile Pepper Magazine" who was carried out on a stretcher. Interesting...
  3. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    I'll post up plenty on my website. Unless there's a last minute surprise, I unfortunately will be the only blogger there (with the possible exception of Steve Smith of and Godspeed and safe journeys to all. I can't wait to see my family on Friday!
  4. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    The Defcon Pallet of Doom is encased in an over-sized, 3-foot thick armored shell made of a reinforced titanium/molybdenum alloy, concrete and lead that not only protects its radioactive contents from accidental spillage & leakage, but will effectively safeguard it from outside forces such as...
  5. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    Awesome! I'll have to stop by the booth often for free samples. :lol:
  6. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    AJ, count me in for a get-together, wherever that may be. We may have to talk to folks like Danny Cash and Sam & Tina McCanless of Z&Z's to see where they're gonna be headed after the show.
  7. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    Nicole, what booth is that?
  8. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    Woo-hoo! I can't wait. My plane's coming in mid-morning on Friday, so I should be able to hit the last few hours of trade-only time before the masses come in at 3 PM. I'll be there all day Saturday and most of Sunday as well. Let's get some meet-ups planned! :onfire:
  9. Scott Roberts

    Hello from Miami,Fl

    Welcome from St. Louis, Missouri! :)
  10. Scott Roberts

    Hello from Michigan's Upper Peninsula

    Welcome from St. Louis, MO! :)
  11. Scott Roberts

    The Weekly Firecast Video Show

    Here's the most recent one with a focus on chicken wings:
  12. Scott Roberts

    New from MO

    Welcome from St. Louis, Missouri! :)
  13. Scott Roberts

    The Weekly Firecast Video Show

    I agree with you. But it still irritates me that the show went from a semi-original, semi-documentary style to a carbon copy of a dozen other boring shows on TV.
  14. Scott Roberts

    event Zest Fest or Fiery Foods Show?

    I'd love to go to both, but the only one I'm making a priority is ZestFest. But if certain projects pan out, I may "have" to attend the FFS. :)
  15. Scott Roberts

    The Weekly Firecast Video Show

    The latest episode, with an overview of the Weekend of Fire and a review of BBQ Pitmasters:
  16. Scott Roberts

    event Jungle Jim's 4th Annual Weekend of Fire, July 31 & Aug 1, 2010

    Godspeed everyone. Have a safe trip. See you there.
  17. Scott Roberts

    event Jungle Jim's 4th Annual Weekend of Fire, July 31 & Aug 1, 2010

    Regarding the contests - wordwiz, try sending him an e-mail at buddah @
  18. Scott Roberts

    The Weekly Firecast Video Show

    Thanks! The sound quality was indeed the major thing that needed fixing in the last video. I'll work on improving it. A new episode should be coming at the end of this week.
  19. Scott Roberts

    The Weekly Firecast Video Show

    Here's my attempt at a 10-minute video podcast about fiery foods and BBQ - The Weekly Firecast: Please give it a watch and let me know what you think, both the positives and negatives. If you like it, please spread the word. Thanks!