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  1. insain

    Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    Here is the deal some people on here just like to post to your post talking trast about what you are offering. I bought some Trinidad Scorpion seeds and was told they were Butch T seeds but they came from AJ and he has never claimed to have Butch-t's so unless you get them from Butch you realy...
  2. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    Like.I.said before I was told that they were butch t. They are the red scorpion peppers and if you send in 10 peppers and have them tested thou.will. find out to that only 1 out of 10 will be 1.46 million schovells and none of them might now even reach 1.46. If you don't want the seeds then...
  3. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    I was told when I got the seeds that they were butch t and came.from aj. That's hat I was told.they are the red Trinidad scorpion peppers that ia were the seeds came from
  4. insain

    for-sale plants for sale....we ship...

    Are the trinidaad scorpion plants butch-t? How big are they?
  5. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    Hashes the seeds germinating now soaking in a dark place . I will use the seeds my self if they are got flamed soon as I know these seeds will.grow.
  6. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    Seeds came from aj.
  7. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    I grew 1 plane in sids in a room by its self and the seeds have beem out on a plate to air dry
  8. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

  9. insain

    Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds

    Here is the deal the first 9 people to get in line here will be able to purchase 15 butch-t seeds for $11 and this includes shipping.You must reply here then send me a PM to get the seeds. These seeds were taken from fresh Butch-t peppers friday night and are ready to go.
  10. insain

    trinidad scorpion peppers

    Sorry to hear that A.J. Hope you get some soon.
  11. insain

    buying butch T

    their are some small Growers on here that might have some but they are hard to find. I have some Dried Butch-T Trinidad Scorpion if you are intrested PM me.
  12. insain

    Douglah peppers and seeds

    I would like to know if anyone can tell me what the SHU are for the douglah? I am looking and trying to get the hottest peppers and seeds to make a hot sauce and seeds to grow the peppers so I will have them for my hot sauce. If any one can help me out with seeds or the fresh peppers that would...
  13. insain

    Brain Strains

    Still looking for the Brain Strains peppers and seeds . Can anyone please help me ?
  14. insain

    Brain Strains

    Just cant find 20 lbs now that will have to be next growing season. I have to make a few test batches to make sure it will be right when i make the big batch thats why i am looking for smaller batches of the peppers now so i can start ruunning my test batches on my sauce.
  15. insain

    Brain Strains

    Typo should read fresh Pods or seeds
  16. insain

    Brain Strains

    I am looking for some fresh Brain Strains peppers or seeds . Can anyone help me out with these ? Please let me know ?
  17. insain

    My Hot Sauce

    INSAIN HOT SAUCE is a Reserve Crushed Bhut Naga Jolokia sauce and comes in a 5 oz bottle. You can purchase it along with many of the fine name brand sauces at
  18. insain

    Deja Vu - 7 Pot 'Brain Strain' SASBE Offer Continues - Round 2 - CLOSED

    I will take what ever you will send me
  19. insain

    wanted looking for variety peppers and seeds

    Can anyone help me ? I am looking for some Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Dried Pods Looking to purchase at wholesale prices looking at 1lb and up. I am also looking to see if anyone has any extra Butch T Trinidad Scorpion Seeds ? Please Help Me :fire: :fire: