Alexander you are the man! How many are you growing this year?
I noticed too that they can really suck up water and out grow pots at a alarming rate. Beautiful plants.
I have the Brown and the White. I got the White seeds late so that will be next year. The Brown is doing well. The San Diego coast is moderate and the Pubes love it. I have about 6 Cardenasii. I never thought about crossing those. Tiny berry with a big pod, mmm, where is Spicegeist?
I have had them under flouros also for maybe 3 months. Then they grow really fast!
I went out and looked at my Pu.......... the Turbo has a few flower buds. It is only about 6 in at this point. The other types do not. Anyone know much about the Turbo as a early producer, or?
One source.
Or are you looking for another white? Peruvian or Yucatan, White Bullet?
Ecuadorian Red Pepper From Hell? Out of about 250 types this year this was one of 2 that did not germinate. The seeds were not good. have you tasted this?
I grew in a area once that had a big problem with Rabbits and Squirrels. I used a 3 gal spayer and dumped 1 or 2 packets of Cayenne powder into it and doused the perimeter plants about once a week. It worked. The best thing though, is when a Coyote ate a Rabbit and the remains kept all the...
I think Rocoto, Locoto and Manzano are generic regional names. C. pubescens being the species name. I am growing about a dozen types and I wonder if the locals from the areas that they originate from call it just Rocoto or the name in which it is found. Example- Pisac, Peru or Rio Hualaga. The...