I didn't see it in person, I saw it on the news the next day. The city I live in is north of downtown and has their own display for the forth. Which was a nice 25 - 30 minute show.
I just eat it straight gochujang. Normally gochujang is thinned like you said when it is served, I like it either way, but I think the gochujang is easier to manage when not so saucy on peppers.
Haha thumb bug strikes again. Everything looks awesome. My Fatalii x RS has two different pod shapes going on it and seems like they are darker in color than yours but that might just be the camera. I'll go get a shot of them right now and edit this post.
So I have been making mexican food as long as I've been cooking. I constantly try to expand my list of dishes that I can cook, as well as trying new things from different regions of Mexico. But this past weekend I spent most of the day Sunday working on these food items and the final dish with...
Yeah I saw that guy when I was posting the pics. The only spot they like is the pods on that plant. It's weird, but I don't want to spray since I put out a bunch of lady bugs.
So I was bored and went out and took some more photos.
Crazy looking Fatalii
Scotch Bonnet TFM loaded.
Funky 7
Cayenne ripening
I finially got some bhuts on my chocolate but they are tiny so I didn't take any shots of them. Alright later.
DWC are doing good now that they have started growing some roots.
Twin Fatalii pod
Red Habanero is the only one really loading up :/
Garden shot
Everything is now starting to come around. I'm not really sure why growth slowed for a bit, but everything now has at least 20 flowers on...