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  1. hooda


    I got some shots of the tomatillo with the rebel..
  2. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    So I didn't get around to taking any photos with the rebel but I did take a couple before I had to make dinner. They are all doing alright but have some damage from aphids that on some are really bad but they will be good in no time. I've also acquired some new bells because my girlfriends...
  3. hooda


    They are looking great now.
  4. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    I usually make a side dish with it, using gochjang, corn syrup, soy. The ones that are bagged sometimes can be a bit chewy, but if you get them fresh they are way less chewy. By themselves it has a good sweetness to them. Yeah I'm sure they will be fine, just bums me out seeing the damage from...
  5. hooda

    Spicy Chicken's MMXII Grow Log (The Hot Spot Pepper Shack)

    I don't know what to say... I'm blown away.
  6. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Yeah all outside. This is helping me get through - ojinguh che.
  7. hooda


    Mine now is almost 3 feet and is completely loaded with more buds forming every branch I look at. Though how I grew mine, the picture above is actually two plants, it has no problem setting fruit.
  8. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Well I got a battle on my hands, aphids, spider mites and horn worms oh my. Let alone the encroaching gophers. Seen a couple lady bugs on some of my plants that I didn't spray, all the other plants I sprayed with Bonide. The spider mites are low in numbers from what I have seen and are not on...
  9. hooda

    PaulG 2012

    Garden tour video was great. Plants are looking good as always and really starting to get big. Great job.
  10. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    First flower on something that is not an annuum. Fatalii x Red Savina F2
  11. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Yeah once I got pods on, I'll be up for some pod exchanges :)
  12. hooda

    saugapepper's 2012 Grow Log

    That Florida wild is amazing. Do you have seeds for it?
  13. hooda

    MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!

    Whoa! Butch T buds are crazy. I wish mine had that many.
  14. hooda

    Megahots grow log 2011-2012

    Plants are looking great. Did you ever start any of the seeds that I sent you or are you waiting for next season?
  15. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    I love De arbols. They have a great ripe taste when they are fresh, that I love. This one is actually my second plant of de Arbol after my last 4 year old took a dive. The weird thing is this one isn't growing the "tree like" branching that my last one did. But I have heard not all labeled de...
  16. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    So I got the tea going last night and this is what it looks like today. Tea with myco blast. I'll be root drenching and foliar feeding tomorrow morning De Arbol flowering like crazy
  17. hooda

    Capsidadburn grow 2012

    Looking great. I hope my plants turn out as good as yours.
  18. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Fatalii Red Bhut Improvised tomatillo support cause it's sprawling out Not too exciting. I'll get some better pictures with my real camera when they all start to flower. Edit: I just checked my mail and I got the package from Matt (MGOLD86)! So there is Xtreme gardening tea brew...
  19. hooda

    IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

    Well I am running 1/2 main line with 1/4 drip lines with a pressure regulator of 30 psi. Drippers are 0.5 gal per hour Which is to why I don't think there is much real flow going by, well enough to cause a vacuum but I could be wrong. I'm in Vista.
  20. hooda

    IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

    I'm not sure it would work with my setup. when the system is on everything is under pressure and there really isn't enough flow to cause a vacuum. If I hooked that up to mine I would picture it just watering the jug lol. Unless I'm not thinking correctly about it, which is entirely possible.