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  1. Maxsack331

    in-ground In ground plant spacing question

    and also when you guys say 4' between rows and some of you say in the garden.. I have a garden, but I make little raised hills, which this year I am going to make raised rectangles rather than hills because I have noticed that over the summer to water washes away some of the soil slightly, but...
  2. Maxsack331

    fertilizer Determining How Much Fertilizer to Apply to Garden Plot

    ohh ok I gotcha, yeah I have been wondering what the difference in the numbers are, I know it is the strength of the fertilizer, and so 12-0-0 blood meal would be what in the decimal form of the equation? .23? or just 23? but thanks for the heads up, that is interesting about the P hurting it...
  3. Maxsack331

    media What potting soil should I use? Jiffy pellets -> ??

    yeah no problem I understand, I think I mentioned up top, (although I tend to type too much and some info gets lost) but when I first potted mine up into solo cups, I just did MG potting soil with Perlite added.. I wouldn't do Perlite again because it really did take up a lot of space for the...
  4. Maxsack331

    fertilizer Determining How Much Fertilizer to Apply to Garden Plot

    hmm, interesting, I just picked up a brochure today to get my soil tested, need to go out tomorrow and grab the samples, then I am going to call the university to ask them what the turn around time is and a few other things about the test. I have a nice big bag of organic tomato/veggy fertilizer...
  5. Maxsack331

    media What potting soil should I use? Jiffy pellets -> ??

    mix your own, I was using MG potting soil and mixing a lot of perlite in it, which worked and MG is pretty good based on what I saw, but the Perlite I have noticed really just takes away from the room the plant can use. and it is expensive to buy enough bags of soil usually, unless you an get...
  6. Maxsack331

    for-sale Some Powder Mixes for sale

    Well I can't wait till I get some pods on my plants so I am going to try out some powders to tide me over, I'll pm you, want to try 1/2oz of The House Favorite and the All Good 7s
  7. Maxsack331

    in-ground In ground plant spacing question

    What does everyone think about Tepins, I calculated the space between my plants to have about 24" at least, with 3' between the super hots, but I might do something like 2.5' so I can fit more peppers in there, and I like the idea of the edges of them starting to hold each other up with the...
  8. Maxsack331

    My nose is on fire...

    voted 5 to offset it :P
  9. Maxsack331

    My nose is on fire...

    yeah, once summer comes around I don't rub my face or anything with my hands, I will use the back of my hand or my shirt.. and if I know I haven't touched anything at all in a few days, then the back of my knuckles if I have to.. lol.. and yeah the ears are really weird, its like it is really...
  10. Maxsack331

    in-ground In ground plant spacing question

    Glad someone asked the question, I've been wondering this too, but I'm still a month away from planting out, :( so I've been holding off on asking.
  11. Maxsack331

    indoor Update and some problems in the grow tent, need some help.

    Update again, so the plants are looking really really good, I had a quick picture of them on my phone.. enh, I will just go down and take a pic now.. but anyways, I have kept the top zippers on the "doors" open so there is a nice gap of constant air flow in the tent to keep the humidity down...
  12. Maxsack331

    Acid Reflux Damage (New Guy Here)

    I've gotten acid reflux from bananas now that I think about it.. but really only when its in the morning and on an empty stomach and I don't have time to eat anything else.. but it isn't bad, and it goes away pretty fast, but I forgot that it happens sometimes. hmm
  13. Maxsack331

    seeds Slow germination causes?

    do you have fungus gnats, I have realized recently that they are a big problem with some of the seedlings that don't germinate right away, because they end up getting eaten.. and also just make sure you keep the soil moist (I had forgotten about it because once a handful of the seedlings come...
  14. Maxsack331

    MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!

    Psh.. it's like 30 degrees here now, I hate it.. and it was 75 or high 70s all last week.. I want the warm weather back! have fun tilling/digging, spent the last week or more tilling like crazy to expand the garden.. it's up to ~1800sq ft... and I still don't have enough room for all the...
  15. Maxsack331

    any thoughts on the grow light that I'm planning on purchasing?

    lol, another long book to read.. sorry guys, can't say I'm not thorough. ;) yeah, I really like my CFLs, but you just have to remember that the actual bulbs are kind of a little more expensive, and then you need the fixture, which if I could do it over again, I would get the shop light...
  16. Maxsack331

    Baker's Peppers 2012 GLOG

    haha yeah thanks! I planted a ton of extra seedlings, and did a count of them the other night and realized I had about 80 more than I planned space for, but I have tons of places around the house and stuff and I will start collecting buckets too haha, there are going to be more pepper plants...
  17. Maxsack331

    any thoughts on the grow light that I'm planning on purchasing?

    anywhere really, Home Depot or Lowes, but purchased an LED light when I first started, and did a lot of reading, and realized that for the most part that the UFO style (nipple/bulb) style LED lights are not very strong and more less than ideal for plants, sure they can be good for small...
  18. Maxsack331

    Baker's Peppers 2012 GLOG

    Hey Dale, I'm ready to make another mix of soil, and I'm using more peat and a little more pine bark chips than I used last time, and the pH was more than fine before, right around 6, to 6.5, but I'm just a little curious if your soil supplier has to add lime to the soil at all, or does the pine...
  19. Maxsack331

    Fungus gnats

    nice, that's good to know, I need to start getting some 5 gallon buckets from people around here for when I pot up the ones I plan on keeping to overwinter, but I should get one of the other buckets I have around and just use it as the dunk water. but with the soapy solutions that everyone is...
  20. Maxsack331

    Beautiful purple pods

    man now I'm all excited for my first attempts at crosses to get the pods ripened up so I can plant them for a late season pod harvest of F1s, so next year I can start the F2s.. those are some awesome plants, can't wait to see all the F3 plants this year