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  1. Chili

    Carolina Reaper

    Welcome to the forum.. and good luck on your seeds.
  2. Chili

    Starting the Ghost pepper & friends glog

    bhut purple pumpkin are some cool looking pods. Good luck with your season!
  3. Chili

    New Grower, Plants Having Issues

    Next time before you water stick your finger about 2 inches deep inside your pot. If it's still moist you don't need to water.
  4. Chili

    New Grower, Plants Having Issues

    Also a noob but the first picture definitely looks like sun scald.
  5. Chili

    nutrients Can Hydro nutrients as a feed for soil grown peppers?

    I have some extra masterblend (4-18-38) that I'm not using for my dwc set up. Will using this have any negative effects on my peppers? If not I'd like to use the rest to feed my plants. If applicable, would I just need to give the containers a good deep watering to flush out the excess salts? TIA
  6. Chili


    Happy growing!