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  1. dustonj2008

    When to start using AACT/Compost Tea?

    Are there any recommended recipes for younger plants like seedlings or adolescents? I'd like to get them a little of love prior to spring hitting if possible. I don't want to love them to death though.
  2. dustonj2008

    When to start using AACT/Compost Tea?

    To all the AACT/Compost Tea People out there, I was wondering what the common practice is for the first round of AACT/Compost Tea feedings? Is this something that should be done once the plant is in its finally home (ground/container)? Is there any benefit/harm done if you apply while plants are...
  3. dustonj2008

    Define overfertilizing?

    Thanks willard3. I just got my calibration solution for my new meter yesterday. I'll get her calibrated and check the run off tonight. The ladies don't look to be showing any signs of stress as of this morning. Hopefully it stays that way. Thanks everyone for the advise!    -Josh
  4. dustonj2008

    Define overfertilizing?

    That makes me feel a little better then lol. Regardless, they have been flushed so hopefully no harm has been done. Lesson learned though, do not fertilize before coffee...
  5. dustonj2008

    Define overfertilizing?

    Geonerd, I used my hydro nutes, FloraMicro - FloraGro - FloraBloom, at the "general purpose - mild vegetative" dosage. Which amounts to 1 tsp per gallon from each of the three parts. There is a recommended dosage for seedlings which is 1/4 tsp of each. I only hit the peppers with at least 2-4...
  6. dustonj2008

    Define overfertilizing?

    Neil, would you recommend that in this case? Would it be necessary for just one overzealous application?
  7. dustonj2008

    Define overfertilizing?

    I did my first round of fertilizing this morning to my adolescent peppers (most of which have between 2-4 true sets of leaves). I believe I may have read the measurements wrong on the nute package and gave them a full strength dose instead of half strength. How concerned should I be about one of...
  8. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

    the wife tried so I wont look for her replacement just yet  :)   I laughed so hard that I then had to explain what I was laughing at to my wife lol. You're getting me in trouble man! :-)
  9. dustonj2008

    chinense Purchasing fresh Reapers

      Reaper x Primo? That cross sounds like it has potential! 
  10. dustonj2008

    favorite What's your favorite Pubescens?

    Thanks for the offer Mister_Al but hogleg already has some on the way. Thanks again hogleg!
  11. dustonj2008

    Duston 2015 Glog

    I got my new light fixture installed on 2/12.     Seeds are popping like crazy     I did have a few survivors from my first seed batch. I really thought all hope was gone for all of them but two varieties ended up making it 7 Pot Bubblegum (only 2 survivors for seed batch 1)   Trinidad...
  12. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

    Yea I assumed the picture of the "burnt" one was the orange. It sounds like I was wrong.
  13. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

      I'm with hogleg. Those orange F3's look mean! :-) Sending PM now.
  14. dustonj2008

    favorite What's your favorite Pubescens?

    That one does sound pretty good :-)
  15. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

      So is this where you guys got your Pink Tigers? If so, did they grow true? I'm willing to buy but I've never gone through this site before.
  16. dustonj2008

    Going from T8 to T5 HO fixture. Proper distance from plants?

    I was expecting my Pimenta Puma seedling to have a purple hue. I wasn't expecting to see the cotyledon's of my Reapers, Red Bhuts, Trinidad Congos, Big Sun Habs, etc. Is this normal for these varieties? Also, how long does it normally take for the leaves to recover? 
  17. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

    Wow I didn't realize they were that rare. I don't mind attempting the cross myself if I can get my hands on some Pimenta de Neyde.
  18. dustonj2008

    wanted WANTED: Pink Tiger, Black Pearl, Pimenta de Neyde

    I've stumbled across pictures/reviews of these beautiful plants/pods. I would definitely love to grow these this year if possible. Does anyone have any extras they can spare? I have some extras on my profile that I would gladly send it return. Thanks in advance!   -Josh