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  1. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      Awesome, that's really cool. Let me know if im needed to help the cause :)
  2. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

        Yep thats the one. Would be keen on a bottle of that. Ill hit you up in the new year I guess :) Off to fiji soon..will keep an eye out for interesting peppers/seeds. Your plants are looking good as usual. What are these crosses you speak of?   cheers 
  3. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      Oh yea? Would not say no to one of them :)   I think you gave me 3 different ones last time. A "bloom" a "grow" and a "foliage pro")   Im liking the "grow" one which I think is a 7-9-5, is that the one you mean you have left? Ill swap you some beers or something :)   Had a look at the bioforce...
  4. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

    Good to hear they are bouncing back after being Auto-topped by the hail :) Its going to be a good few months till I have any super hots. Iv got a pube that's set a few pods & an annum with ripe peppers though so all good. Cooking needs are sorted. My chinense are probably still a month or so...
  5. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

    A few more pics from the garden...slow start to the season but things are looking nice and green.   a bucket of volunteers   "BP3" - Iv got 3 or 4 of these going this year.   pube. I think its a costa rica rocoto. have 3 or 4 of these as well   both of these are junglee mircha's  (thats "wild...
  6. nzchili

    misc Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...

      Yes its very tasty.  Flavour has hints of melon / cucumber taste and surprisingly juicy/crunchy. A good heat for cooking. I assume its a cayenne type, Its called hot joker. Will have to pick up some starfish seeds :)
  7. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

    Just a few random photos of how things are shaping up this year. Off to a slow start.   Have a few plants that survived the winter coming back to life. One of them (aji verde) is set to be a monster. wild fiji peppers volunteer pube   tough pubes, planted a few of these..all are pretty...
  8. nzchili

    misc Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...

    Have had a few fairly productive ones over the years. Im now leaning towards peppers that are more "usable". The super hots are fun but I cant say I like them for much other than a bit of fun. This plant is obviously no monster and is still young, but is turning into quite a dense ball of...
  9. nzchili

    Vermiculite vs. Perlite

    Perlite and vermiculte are pretty much opposites.   Perlite aerates the soil and does not really hold water. It increase drainage. Vermoculite is almost like tiny bits of kitchen sponge and holds water & nutrients. Similar to peat moss in a way I guess.    IMO there's not much point in using...
  10. nzchili

    soil Soil surprise: what to add now?

    Just try to grow some peppers and see what happens. Thinking your soil is deficient in one thing, because something in particular is growing good is the wrong approach. Maybe its high in all nutrients so the nettle grows well. just because it prefers to grow where there's high amounts of certain...
  11. nzchili

    health Black/dark spots on seedling's first leaves

    50-50 mix of perlite and vermiculite?? that's going to have zero nutrients in it...not a good growing media I would think...   unless I misunderstood what you meant...then you should get them into some normal potting mix asap.
  12. nzchili

    Carolina Reaper Size ... LOL

    they get small when it cools down
  13. nzchili

    NPK ratio?

      you miss my point.  my point is the instructions on the 1.1.1 probably tell you to add 20 x the mix ratio as opposed to 20.20.20 so they are in essence the same and the 20-20-20 may not be as strong as face value suggests, as it would be watered down to a greater ratio.   for example if a...
  14. nzchili

    Pale leaves on Bhut Jolokia plants

    the pod looks ok. would not worry about the slight imperfection with that :)  
  15. nzchili

    NPK ratio?

      I agree with you and you are correct :) Many of my fav ferts follow that ratio (nitrosol)   My only point was that something like 20-20-20 may not really be as strong as it seems at face value :)
  16. nzchili

    NPK ratio?

    10-10-10 is the same as 1-1-1, and the same as 5-5-5 etc etc etc   What matters is the ratio that its diluted down to. I would think that most of those stronger/more concentrated ones would be mixed with a greater qty of water per qty of nute concentrate.   e.g. the weaker ones may specify to...
  17. nzchili

    pests Pest Identification and Treatment

      Its not been proven that it even contributes to, let alone causes "CCD".  But yeah, do your research and decide for yourself. Your neighbours and everyone else will probably be using it so your not going to save the world by not using it yourself.   Did you know, that one of the biggest pluses...
  18. nzchili

    pests Pest Identification and Treatment

      yep one sachet makes 5 litres :) So you just empty one of those into your sprayer, fill to the 5 liter mark and your away.   They come in a small box with about 5 sachets per box, with each sachet making 5L of spray :) Very handy.    Reminds me..i need to do my first spray of the season  :)
  19. nzchili

    pests Pest Identification and Treatment

      The sachets we get down here are sized to be mixed with 5L of water which keeps it pretty simple :)
  20. nzchili

    pests Pest Identification and Treatment

    +1 go down to your local bunnings and get some "confidor" sachets :) That'l sort them right out. One application WILL do the trick and will keep them away for months.  