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  1. nzchili

    Leaves hard, wrinkled and not growing

      yea same. they screwed up the whole of my last season. Was not till the very end of the season that i finally found something that actually worked and by then it was way too late for a good season.   +1 , Correct, the broad mites go for new growth and cannot be seen with the naked eye. The...
  2. nzchili

    Leaves hard, wrinkled and not growing

    Without a doubt (in my mind) that's broad mite damage. I know it well.   I would cut off all affected growth and burn it / put it in a bucket of boiling water.   Spray whats left of the plant with a very strong mix of lime sulphur. Keep affected plant away from other plants that dont yet have it...
  3. nzchili

    Pale leaves on Bhut Jolokia plants

      exactly :)
  4. nzchili

    Pale leaves on Bhut Jolokia plants

    existing/old leaves that are light coloured will not generally go dark again. This is because changes in old leaves are caused by a deficiency of immobile nutrients (i.e ones that dont "move" around the plant). So "at a time" the plant was not getting what it needed as can be referenced by its...
  5. nzchili

    breeding Which plant is the mother in a cross?

    yep, you take the sperm (pollen) from the male plant, and apply it into the females flower 
  6. nzchili

    Mangled Pepper Plant - What is this?

    s   sulphur! 
  7. nzchili

    Some Help needed :(

    IMO, Too much N, and maybe needs some Mg
  8. nzchili

    seeds Seedling Questions

    I think they need water. Those tops ones are looking pretty dry. Problems come when they are kept continually wet. Looks like your doing the right thing though letting them dry out before watering. And your soil looks like it will drain well so should not get too waterlogged.    You dont need to...
  9. nzchili

    I think I may have a broad mite problem

    lime sulphur 
  10. nzchili

    seeds Seedling Questions

    Either, or, should be fine. Really it wont matter that much at this time of year. In a month or so it will be warm enough for them to be outside full time anyway. Sounds to me like you started at an ideal time.   Personally, at this time of year, I sometimes take mine outside and leave them in...
  11. nzchili

    seeds Temp Concerns for Reaper seeds

    depending on what your starting the seeds in, you can put them (e.g jiffy pellets)  in a plastic container and leave it ontop of an electrical appliance that's turned on all the time. e.g. modem, fridge, some TV decoders, etc etc. That will provide enough warmth for them to sprout assuming its...
  12. nzchili

    seeds Seedling Questions

    hey there,    firstly. you only need the heat pad for germinating. Once they have "hooked" i.e. first sign of life, you can take it off the heat mat and just leave on a windowsill or somewhere else with a bit of light.   Im in Auckland which will be colder than where you are. I just leave my...
  13. nzchili

    Do hornworms travel in packs

    no, its a "squad" of hornworms
  14. nzchili

    overwintering Winters in a greenhouse. Thoughts, opinions.

    if you can keep them warm(ish) they will survive. If you cant then they probably wont. Growing indoors / in a greenhouse is feasible at any time if you can keep the thing heated.   If its warm (enough), they will grow and produce. If its quite cold (say 5-10deg C) they will survive, grow...
  15. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      Na, checked yesterday and not even any hooks. Hoping some show soon lol.. May take a bit longer then normal I guess. Did a bit of a half ass job of planting them. Just threw seeds into pots and thew them in hot water cupboard. No special treatment this time. Some seeds were questionable as...
  16. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      im pretty sure those photos are from the middle of winter. Gets down to around / slightly below freezing in those parts at that time of year :) not my plants, but IMO, those plants are pretty young hence not very many nodes. and are a bit long/ no pods due to the time of year & temp. not bad...
  17. nzchili

    pests Please Help - Angular Leaf Spot, or Pests?

    agree, pests..look like slug / snail / caterpillar damage
  18. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

      Welcome. Now that you have found this place, there shall be no more buying seeds off trademe, lol =D Myself & im sure the other guys on here would be more than happy to send you some "real" seeds.   Good luck and keep us updated!
  19. nzchili

    The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

    Alrighty. Put down this years seeds the other day. Whats everyone else up to?