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  1. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    This is my final grow list (although I may add one more annuum as previously discussed):   Overwinters Krishna Jolokia Bahamian Goat Brazilian Ghost Cappuccino SB* Carolina Reaper Genghis Khan Brain Habanero Nagabrain Chocolate Nebru 7 PDN x SB7J Orange...
  2. M

    annuum Reliable and prolific annuum for a cold climate

    I don't know where I would get that.   Thanks for all the suggestions - what I don't grow this year will go on my list for next year, for sure.
  3. M

    Adams London grow

    You are so far ahead!  Going to have a brilliant season.
  4. M

    annuum Reliable and prolific annuum for a cold climate

      What's SSE strain?     I grew Large Orange Thai last season but the main plant's stem got snapped in a storm and the smaller plants didn't produce much.  I would try them again but not if it's my "mainstay" annuum for the season.
  5. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    The plants are in my bedrooms.  I can just about get away with ladybirds (although my other half did get fed up of finding the adults in our bed on numerous occasions) because they are cute but I think parasitic wasps (even though they are tiny) would be crossing the line.   If the caterpillar...
  6. M

    It's hairy but it's not pubescens

    Goats weed seems a very promising candidate, thanks all.
  7. M

    It's hairy but it's not pubescens

    My friend was given some seeds from ebay (supposed to be white bhut jolokia.)  I know, I know - but normally ebay seeds are cayenne or similar.  This is different.        Seeds were light coloured, hence thinking it's not a pubescens.  Friend is an experienced chilli-grower so would surely have...
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    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    The way I'm planning to deal with them is keep picking them off by hand for the next 2-3 months until the plants can go outside.  After that, I will allow nature to take its course.  Also trying to keep overwinters and seedlings in separate rooms so hopefully the seedlings won't get affected...
  9. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

      Do you mean a moth photo?  We might have different ones in the UK from yours in the US.  I don't have any photos of the adult moths because I concentrate on catching them as soon as I see them.  Haven't seen any for a couple of days now.   Not sure if this will post ok but this is one of the...
  10. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    Havana Gold seedling is forking - my first one of the season. Or maybe its a Guyana Rush -its one of the plants involved in the big label mix up.
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    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Im not totally convinced about removing leaves. Surely the more leaves, the more the plant can photosynthesise and generate energy.
  12. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    No, there are still moths. Obviously I squish them every time I see them but sometimes they get away, so I fear that there will be another generation of caterpillars.
  13. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    All the seedlings in pop bottles and porridge pots are currently sitting in the bath having had a good spray with SB Invigorator. Think I will need to do it a few times to get on top of the aphids.
  14. M

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    I'll be interested to see whether you think it works or not.  
  15. M

    pics Harvest

    Loving this thread; it's reminding me why we do it!  Normally by this time of year I have at least some flowers on the overwinters, but this year they've been affected by caterpillars and I have had to cut them back hard and strip the leaves, so I have nothing.  Drastic but I can't risk the...
  16. M

    annuum Reliable and prolific annuum for a cold climate

    Thank you very much for the suggestions. I've never heard of Tien Tsins but will look them up to see if I can source them anywhere.
  17. M

    annuum Reliable and prolific annuum for a cold climate

    Looking for recommendations.  I am growing various chinenses (mostly hot/superhot), baccatums and one rocoto.  They will most likely take a long time to produce / ripen.  I have already sown a few annuums and was planning to sow another 8 or so more.  However, I have already got far more plants...
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    Adams London grow

    Ooh, congratulations!  It looks really good.
  19. M

    Mitzi's 2019 - Grow, grow, grow your Bhut

    Today potted up into pop bottles: PdN x BMJ Guyana Rush x 2 (may be wrongly labelled) Havana Gold (possibly also wrongly labelled) A couple of plants in the first pop bottle batch already have roots showing at the sides which is quite impressive as they have been in there less than a week...