Search results

  1. M

    harvesting When to harvest? Red habaneros

    For me, it depends what I want to use them for.  Eating raw - pick very soon after they change colour, so they will still be nice and crisp.  Cooking with them / making sauces - leave them on a few more days so they are properly ripe.  Saving seeds - I leave them on the plant until the pod...
  2. M

    Aji White Fantasy - how do I know when it's ripe

    My chinenses are ripening beautifully, as it happens.  Ah well, just have to be more patient with the baccatums.  Unfortunately the plants are too large to bring back indoors.
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    Aji White Fantasy - how do I know when it's ripe

      80-90 days from pods setting?  Yikes, we'll probably have frost by then.
  4. M

    Aji White Fantasy - how do I know when it's ripe

    I tried this yesterday.  The seeds weren't mature.  It didn't taste of anything.  So obviously it wasn't ripe.    What I need to know is how to identify if they are ripe BEFORE picking them, because once I've picked them and cut them open then it's too late to ripen them further.
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    Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic

    Welcome from England!
  6. M

    Greetings from Romania

    Welcome from England!
  7. M

    Aji White Fantasy - how do I know when it's ripe

    Just that, really.  The pods started off a pale green / creamy colour and turned white quite quickly (when not even full size.)  Other baccatums seem to take a really long time to ripen so I just wonder how long I need to wait for these ones to be fully ripe and is it possible to tell?   I have...
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    Hello from the United Kingdom

    Hi and welcome from Yorkshire!
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    Hello from Teddington, UK!

    Something in the back of my mind is saying Teddington Lock is the limit of the tidal river Thames.  Is that right or did I muddle it up?    Anyway, welcome, from Yorkshire.
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    Deformed leaves

    Thanks for the advice.  I would definitely be upset if it spread to the other plants.  I think I'll go with isolating them for the time being (in another room) then think again when it gets to final potting up time when they couldn't be isolated any more.  I kind of want to know whether they...
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    Deformed leaves

    These are some of my other plants:  
  12. M

    Deformed leaves

    Thanks for all the suggestions.  Yes there is some algae; it formed on the peat Jiffy 7 pellets which were probably kept a bit too damp.  When I potted them up into the Biobizz Light Mix it hitched a ride.  However, this is the case with all of my seedlings and not just these particular ones.  I...
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    Deformed leaves

    They didn't grow out of it; the leaf deformity has continued through all the new leaves.  Is this natural?  Should I keep them?  This is what they look like now:          
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    UK growers

    Hi and welcome!  I don't fit your criteria as I bought some grow lights.  Any particular reason why you can't?  E.g. I have a small growlight from IKEA in a windowsill; doesn't take up any room really.   Assuming lights aren't an option, do you have any south-facing windows?  If you're starting...
  15. M

    seeds Unable to sprout germinated seeds

    Last year I tried various different methods but this year I am exclusively germinating on paper towels in plastic takeaway boxes, then transferring to Jiffy pellets, then potting up a couple of weeks later.  It probably seems like a lot of extra work to some people, but I'm not growing hundreds...
  16. M

    Baccarat Decanter

    How do you know it's Baccarat, does it have a mark on the bottom or something?
  17. M

    seeds Seeds last longer than I thought

    Storage conditions have a lot to do with it, too.
  18. M

    Deformed leaves

      Thanks for this.  Perhaps it's just a reaction to being potted up.  It just seemed strange that no other varieties are affected and they all have identical conditions.
  19. M

    Deformed leaves

      Thanks for the suggestion but I'm pretty sure they're not waterlogged.  After potting up, I watered them in then didn't water at all until the pots felt light.  They are in what will become self-watering pots but at present there is no water in the reservoir because I am aware of the risk of...
  20. M

    Deformed leaves

    This year is my second "proper" chilli grow; I did reasonably OK last year.  I'm growing 12 chinense varieties from seed and all the rest of the seedlings look "normal" except these two.  The first pair of true leaves look normal but the second pair looks deformed - narrow and twisted.  Since I...