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  1. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    That's pretty, purty....well done. :clap:
  2. zdecker


    Yes it does! Not sure where to post the following picture but this thread will have to do. It's a nice night on the back deck here so what better than this..... Beer. Cheap Little Sleezers Pizza, and a random fortune cookie for dessert. Uh....Drink!
  3. zdecker


    Well Duh! Although round' here it comes in a 15 pack o' cans. Session that and you will be :drunk:
  4. zdecker


    It's warranted. Good IPA that you can drink a lot of. Has that nice IPA taste(for those who like that) but it's only 4.2 ABV. It's like a ^insert cheap light beer here.^ that actually tastes good. Oh yeah...DRINK!
  5. zdecker


    PliNkO. Decisions decisions.
  6. zdecker


    I can do that, in a little bit.
  7. zdecker


    How do you play this?  :banghead: I'm slow...
  8. zdecker

    food The Drunken Chef

    Ok put it on a flattop grill and you've got a winner!
  9. zdecker

    food The Drunken Chef

    Wtf? Duck tongue photo bombed? :drunk: And 15.99/lb for that, you'd have to be drunk to buy it so I guess it fits the bill.
  10. zdecker

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    Speechless :) Totinos may be cheaper than paper plates anyway. And they taste better.
  11. zdecker

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    Stop with all the details, you're giving away the surprise :)
  12. zdecker

    contest The Next Throwdown is...

    I think this one should be good, lots of options for Dim Sum.  Like......   Fong Djau! :party: 
  13. zdecker

    smokers Big Green Egg

    You might as well go for the XXXXXL model I think...
  14. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    Can someone post some Steak pictures in here? All this talk. :). Here....let me help. My personal favorite is the... Flounder steak Or is it Flank? Edit to add a disclaimer. These are my pics from a TD in 2011. I think it was a comfort food TD.
  15. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    Makes sense then. You're spoiled :). I know where I'm headed tommorow. We shop at Costco about once a month, for some reason I've never really taken a close look at their meat. Shame on me.
  16. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    Yeah PRIME ribeye is nothing special, it's actually a bad cut of meat, lol. If that's nothing special, well what is? It looks fabulous BTW, I'm just playing. Next time please show us a Choice or Select cut please.....
  17. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    Very nice! Only thing better would be a nice shot of the inside, but I get it, you scarfed it down to quick, as would I. Good job.
  18. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    Good catch GM. It's been so long since I've been able to grill a steak, I didn't GIve a F***. I just wanted it in mah belly.
  19. zdecker

    food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

    Wow, that looks really good!
  20. zdecker

    food STEAK!!

    I figure it's time to contribute to my own thread. The weather is finally getting nice here so it was time to fire up the grill for some red meat... Used some Uncle Bunks Southwest Sizzler and CaJohns Fire Dust for a little heat. So glad griilin' season is finally here :cheers: