I was looking at alfalfa hay on amazon and someone here told me it is good mulch. what am i looking for in alfalfa hay? It shouldn't attract any animals right? What is a good brand of alfalfa hay on amazon?
I was looking at alfalfa hay on amazon and someone here told me it is good mulch. what am i looking for in alfalfa hay? It shouldn't attract any animals right? What is a good brand of alfalfa hay on amazon?
Now I'm just getting even more confused. I am not looking to grind stuff ok. just link me what i need to go and buy and use to top dress and thats it. i am ordering pine straw mulch today locally. Lol they wanted to deliver to my house for 40 bucks for 10 minutes travel for the pine straw mulch.
Weird. I do a soil test. So best thing to do now is let it dry out more? I did a finger test and the soil was dry so i watered today. watered enough so soil is wet.
Oh! I have to ask too. I bought and used some just natural brand of mushroom compost. My question is would this particular brand of mushroom compost be too much salt? And also would it change the ph of my soil to the point of it hurting or depriving something for my pepper plants? Like make...
Ah I see. i am good for 6 weeks for the fertilizer. plus about every 2-3 weeks i will be doing a epsom salt spray. someone told me after 6 weeks i'll need to add something else. do you know what they meant by this?
Yup with my mix of mushroom compost,vermiculite,Garden Soil, Burpees tomato and veggie fertilizer I now have to let it completely dry now than before. But I am gonna try to stress them out so to get hotter peppers.
Oh I see. I wanted to know what ph do peppers like? Do all my peppers that are mammoth jalapeno,mexibelle,coolapeno, tabasco peppers like acidic ph? If so what number? I was worried about the just natural mushroom compost being a bad thing for it?
Ah ok I see. I saw rabbit manure but it is pricey looking i think. Curious, what is your choice of plant pot container for your peppers? I thought a 5 gallon lowes bucket might be too big for a pepper plant.