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  1. C

    Teaching what heat, is really about

    I am dehydrating most of my box of chocolate brains... can't wait to try the powder made from them. Primo powder is my favorite red... my favorite brown powder so far is a mix of Judy's bhutlah and brown moruga. Wes's naga x congo also made a great brown powder.   How did that chocolate brain...
  2. C

    baccatum Soapy Baccatum Taste

    I experienced the soapy taste from Aji Limon. The Amarillos I had last year were fantastic and no soapy taste what so ever. None of the red baccatums I have tried so far have had a soapy taste.
  3. C

    favorite What is your favorite Baccatum Chili and why?

    Aji Amarillo is my favorite baccatum so far. Very crunchy, bursting with flavor, and respectable heat.   I also like the Brazilian Starfish, Bishops Hat, and Aji Colorado. Am growing Rainforest this year so hopefully I'll get to try that one soon.
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    Sold thank you

    Cool! PM sent.
  5. C

    Sold thank you

    You may need to delete a few more.... your box is still not receiving new messages. Thanks!
  6. C

    Sold thank you

      Awesome offer! I greatly appreciate it. Just tried sending you a PM and your box is not accepting new messages.
  7. C

    Three Mixed SFRB- $12 each

    Nice looking pods there coach!
  8. C

    Chocolate BrAiN sTrAiN 7 Pod

    Received my box of torture yesterday!!! Thank you very much Cappy! Beautiful pods!!! Some are very large and intimidating. I noticed one is very dark brown, most are medium brown, and 2 are very light and could even be called caramel.   I'm eating one of the smaller ones with my peanut butter...
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    chinense OBEAH F1 - Reaper x MoA Scotch Bonnet

    Awesome offer!!! PM sent.
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    Sold thank you

    Nice score! I'm very interested in those yellow SB7J. Bet those are fantastic! I had one SB7J last year that threw yellow pods, it was overwintered but now seems to be struggling... it hasn't recovered from the winter like my other OWs... hoping it turns around and kicks out a few more pods...
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    chinense OBEAH F1 - Reaper x MoA Scotch Bonnet

    I would love the opportunity to add these to my next year's grow!  
  12. C

    chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

    Thank you SmokenFire!!! The seeds arrived yesterday. Looking forward to growing these next year. Hope Lindberg is well!
  13. C

    Need some seeds

    I have red, peach, and Indian Carbon seeds. PM me if interested. I gave away all my whites. Was not impressed with them last year and decided not to grow them again.
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    chinense OBEAH F1 - Reaper x MoA Scotch Bonnet

    This looks like an AWESOME cross!!! MOA flavor profile with some heat and flavor from the reaper... what's not to like!
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    Chocolate BrAiN sTrAiN 7 Pod

    Awesome!   PM sent. Also, please add me to the list for the chocolate hot sauce.
  16. C

    Need some seeds

      My white ghosts last year were smaller, smoother, and did not have that gnarly typical ghost pepper look. They looked more like a fatalii than a ghost. They did mature to white though, and had a decent flavor and heat, but not nearly as hot as the red ghosts.
  17. C

    auction Fresh Pods Charity Auction, box two

    I believe this one is for yellow brainstrains.
  18. C

    Can anyone help me out?

    No problem. I missed his post, otherwise I wouldn't have thrown it out there.
  19. C

    Can anyone help me out?

    I have stuffing Scotch Bonnet if you are still interested.