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  1. shigshwa

    Wilted plants

    There was a thread about this not too long ago... Sometimes, when I forget to water, they'll look something like this.. I watered them down good, and within 20 minutes, the leaves perked right back up! I have to water every day. I don't know if the plants are water hungry, or if my soil...
  2. shigshwa

    Stressing Out a Plant

    As long as the leaves don't dry out or get all discolored, they'll perk right back up when you water them. In the event the leaves all fall out though, as long as the stem is alright, the leaves should grow back..
  3. shigshwa

    Stressing Out a Plant

    I don't usually let them get this dry before watering, but to give you an idea of how I neglect watering sometimes..
  4. shigshwa

    Too Quick ..... ???

    Nice! Hope it all goes well!
  5. shigshwa

    Growing with Light

    Well. If you plan to grow them indoors, it's not just the spectrum that matters, it's also the lumens! From my own experience, light intensity is very important, especially during the flowering and fruiting period! For peppers though, since they continuously grow and flower, a mix of light...
  6. shigshwa

    Too Quick ..... ???

    Mine were about the same as yours, flowered at around 85 days, and just over a foot tall! Now, at 110 days, they've grown to over 2 feet tall, and blooms everywhere!
  7. shigshwa

    Plants forking at the top ?

    Nope. Funny that somebody would think of a name similar to mine though! Perhaps we got the name from the same thing! The story is pretty strange... I was 12, if I remember correctly, and I was registering a Youtube account, and I couldn't think of a very unique name. So after thinking for a...
  8. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Oh, and also, I found out why the plant was drinking water so fast. It's the roots! I barely dug a centimeter into the soil, only to find HUNDREDS of tiny, fibrous roots everywhere! The Air-Pot knockoffs seem to be working very well in developing the root system!
  9. shigshwa

    Plants forking at the top ?

    It's looking great, man. Forking is normal, and a good thing too, because that allows the flowers to form!
  10. shigshwa

    Free Non-GMO Tomato Seeds

    I think I'll get a few to grow!
  11. shigshwa

    What is the BEST hand pollinating technique?

    Electric toothbrush. One of a few method that I've tried, only method that has worked with 100% success, and no possibility of damaging the flower either..
  12. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Yeah, and they recommend a TBS per gallon for blooming. Yeah right, my plants were stressing out over just a half dose! I believe flower drop is caused by a high N ratio over P and K, but I could be wrong. I used it alone, and it seems to be an additive to a base nutrient solution. Fertillizers...
  13. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Well, either the soil drains too well, or these plants are very thirsty all the time. I mean, I wouldn't blame them, they've got 50 plus pods to care for! As for pollination, I've been using the electric toothbrush method. It's easier for me, since I don't have to reach into the plant to dab...
  14. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    I've gotten kinda lazy about them, it's not as thrilling when everything is going so well, lol. I water them every day, check for new flowers, pollinate those flowers, and zip the tent back up. Fertilizing is only when the flowers aren't very fertile/the flower count drops down, but for the...
  15. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Day 118, Week 16. The Bhut Jolokia is a very prolific plant. I count at least 50 pods on the plant! The Butch Ts are less prolific, but they still produce a fair amount, 20 or so. Check out the crazy pod variation. Pods that range from flat, fat tailed, bell shaped, long, and so on. Also...
  16. shigshwa

    Stressing Out a Plant

    Just have to point out, there is no ñ in Habanero... But from what I've heard, yes, watering them too often produces bitter and less spicy chiles.
  17. shigshwa

    indoor Indoor growing VS outdoor growing

    Just like they all said, indoor growing allows you to take control over what the plant gets. However, I think the biggest advantage to outdoor growing is that you have a free source of heat and light, the sun! I mean, assuming that you're not growing indoors next to the window..
  18. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    I just couldn't wait.. This one was incredibly small, and it doesn't seem to ripen.. This one is nearly 60 days old! My first pod. Opened up.. I licked it, and wow, I certainly can feel the burn! I'm not a crazy chillihead, but the feeling was pretty awesome for just a wee lick. I wish I...
  19. shigshwa

    Edema ?

    I don't think so. Mine had some bad edema too, the leaves were crusted with those bumps! But they recovered pretty quickly.
  20. shigshwa

    Shigshwa's Grow Log 2015-2016 (Hydro Grow of Carolina Reapers)

    Flowers everywhere!