Through a combination of 3D printed parts and recycled bottles, 3Dponics is offering an open source, wirelessly controlled hydroponics system for home gardeners.
For less than a penny a day, you can grow your own fresh, organic foods. As an added bonus, Michael Golubev, the inventor of the...
Q: What should I do if algae grows in my water bottle?
A: If algea begins to grow in your water bottle, discard the bottle and plant your Petomato™ in a different recycled bottle.
Q: What should I do if I see what scales in the water?
A: This is a plant disease and you should change the water...
Then I would have expected a paypal refund email they seem to emphasize that the CRYSTAL form is illegal it's powder ;)
"as in February next year this stuff becomes ILLEGAL to sell/import/export in its purest (crystal) form in the UK!" They also referred to it as a collectable ;) Plus the...
I ordered pure capsaicin and one video said to heat it another said to use alcohol I'm not sure what is best.
Danise Coon, Senior Research Specialist from the New Mexico State University Chile Breeding Program & Chile Pepper Institute, compared the effects of the sauce to consuming pure...
Great customer service I have ordered another one but this time it shipped faster and was $8 or $10 cheaper.
You can follow my thread on grow tech:
Petomato Tomato Plant
by Petomato...
So far no email telling me that it has shipped it's been a couple of days and no tracking number I will keep this updated.
Someone pointed this out:
same as the petomato fertilizer scoop:
The water is replaced weekly the stem of the plant will eventually replace the sponge (from pictures on twitter). The roots are shaded by your flyers or...
I picked the Dansani bottle because it was a plant based bottle some of the comments I read online suggested that certain bottles may have chemicals that people were worried about.
I couldn't find the first seeds maybe the spray bottle (although I used it lightly) washed the seeds off the sponge between the plastic so I put in 2 more and I now have sprouts.I will add pictures in a few days.