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  1. Matt Berry

    Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

    I wouldn't even worry about them at 50 degrees. I have some of mine out right now in containers, and lows have been in the upper 40's - 60's the last couple of days. With no trouble, I even leave mine outside in the fall until the highs start dropping to into the 50's, this is of course on full...
  2. Matt Berry

    Whole bunch of questions

    Your leaf damage does not look like thrip damage, maybe flea beetles or something similar but not thrips. Have you been using any epsom salt on these? They like to have plenty of magnesium and calcium.
  3. Matt Berry

    preservation stems on or off for freezing?

    I usually take them off before freezing, it takes up less space in the bag and is less work later.
  4. Matt Berry

    Please Help: Why Did My Peppers Die?

    They are not as sensitive, but they still don't like to be over watered. If they get too dry, you have more of an opportunity to catch them in the just wilted stage, instead of the shriveled up and dying stage. Peppers are their most susceptible at the seedling stage, once they are well...
  5. Matt Berry

    misc My 2010 plants, Aphids & a Ladybug to the rescue...but a question as well

    definitely leave them, they are your biggest ally in the war against aphids. They are really mobile and will relentlessly search out aphids for food. The biggest thing to remember is be careful about spraying them as you don't want to kill them too.
  6. Matt Berry

    P. Dreadie's 2010 pepper list

    Your plants are looking really good, as are your "mini green houses" over the raised beds you made last year. I look forward to seeing the rest of your season.
  7. Matt Berry

    Please Help: Why Did My Peppers Die?

    To me your plants look a little leggy also, try increasing the amount of light you use, and if it is CFL make sure they are hanging really close to the plants. When plants get too leggy they have a tendency to flop over a bit and usually shrivel up and die shortly after. A finger is a good gauge...
  8. Matt Berry

    Crinkled Leaves and Dropping Flowers

    Another source for the calcium and magnesium is to use some of the hydroponic solutions like calmag+ or something similar. They are fast acting and do a really good job, just don't over do it as they will cause fertilizer burn.
  9. Matt Berry

    annuum Cayenne Peppers?

    I like mixing a few into my hamburger patties. Spicy burgers are the best, I have a hard time eating a non-spicy burger these days.
  10. Matt Berry

    preservation Freezing peppers...

    I guess I must be kind of lazy, I just break off the stems, and then throw them whole into gallon sized ziplock bags. It works for me.
  11. Matt Berry

    indoor-growing indoor plants?

    More then likely with it being indoors you will have to pollinate by hand. From my overwintered habaneros I've only gotten 1 pod. Everything else has been producing all through the winter. I'll have to check out the link you provided to see if I can get my fatali to set some pods.
  12. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    I went through "ground zero" and pulled out 15 plants that had been hit by the spider mites. I think they do more damage then the thrips as the plants that are hit by the mites always look worse. I'm starting to think that I should have destroyed the plants that I first found the spider mites on...
  13. Matt Berry

    Advice needed ...Plants destroyed by insects

    If the neem was too concentrated and exposed to the sun you can definitely get burning on the leaves. The tip would show the most damage as that is where it would collect the most. Just watch your plants very carefully and see how they do. The biggest indicator of a problem will be if the damage...
  14. Matt Berry

    Douglah Cappy 2010

    The best way to combat soil compaction and have the right water drainage in containers is to start off with a quality potting mix with a lot of perlite. This is where the pro-mix and a few other quality mixes excel. The key here is a really light and fluffy mix. This is also an area where you'd...
  15. Matt Berry

    Advice needed ...Plants destroyed by insects

    It looks like you might have thrips. They are tiny little buggers and are hard to detect. Spider mites are super tiny too, but they leave webs all over the bottom of the leaves, me and them are not on speaking terms right now as they have been a thorn in my side all winter long. As for the...
  16. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    Those bugs have definitely been taking their toll on my plants. You can see it in the bottom picture, all the dried up, crusty leaves, the leaf drop, oh the horrors. It's suppose to be nice this weekend, I think I'll be taking some of them outside and really hosing them down, that should help...
  17. Matt Berry

    How Cold is Too Cold?

    Those temps won't kill them by any means, that will only happen when you get closer to freezing. The real problem with low temps is that it has a tendency to slow or stunt plant growth especially with younger plants. a couple of days of low temps [40's] won't cause this, but extended periods of...
  18. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    View of the left side of the jungle. The plant reaching past the light is the barrackpore 7pot. I think it's going to be huge this year. here is the right side, the ones in the middle are showing the most damage from the spider mites and thrips. The real damage is from the spider mites. I...
  19. Matt Berry

    Matt Berry's Grow Log 2010

    With plant out day fast approaching, only have a couple of weeks now, I think all my plants are going to make it. I tell you what, this overwinter project along with this years starts has proven a little more challenging then previous years. The biggest challenge has been keeping the spidermites...
  20. Matt Berry

    seeds-germination Interesting seedling...(help for an ignorant grower)

    To make it easier think about it this way, you didn't plant it, it is invading your garden space, pluck it. By the time a volunteer seedling becomes identifiable, it may all ready be to well established to fully eradicate later on. It is best to destroy them while they are young so they don't...