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  1. Dave2000

    Heat vs. Light - Which is more cost effective?

    ^  One option would be to make a frame out of PVC pipe and hang metalized/reflective emergency blankets, glued or taped to cardboard box panels for rigidity if you like, or plastic sheeting but that won't reflect the light back.
  2. Dave2000

    Heat vs. Light - Which is more cost effective?

    Light is cheaper if you want optimal grow temperature in an area where it was otherwise too cold for the plants to survive outside, but generally speaking people often pick growing outside instead of inside because they're growing too many plants to have space inside.  Never say never around...
  3. Dave2000


    It would probably be easier to just use smaller pots if your grow space is limited, then that will stunt the overall plant size.
  4. Dave2000

    seeds-germination A better way to label seeds how long they take?

    It's definitely not # days from putting an already started plant outside, till onset of flowers.  I know a lot of people say it is but that makes the # of days claimed all wrong.  I practically never have anything take over 30 days from time of transplant outside to get the first few blooms...
  5. Dave2000

    Ventilation recommendation

    Dual ball bearing 12V, 12cm computer fans powered by 5V cell phone charger(s) to reduce RPM/noise/turbulence.   I find intake fans superior to exhaust because it jiggles the plants a little more for hardy stems, but it depends on where you place the fan too.  I have a couple pointed at opposite...
  6. Dave2000

    seeds-germination Seedling woes

    You will find Miracle Grow Seed Starter Mix is easier to wet if you mix up a little pulverised (powdered) soil in it, and it goes further too.
  7. Dave2000

    container-growing 2 liters for indoor containers.

    You must have huge solo cups in Waddy because I can fit a lot more solo cups than 2L bottles in an area, but then my method is direct sewing into a solo cup then replant outside in late spring before they get big enough to need more soil, so I have no need for a larger container inside.   ...
  8. Dave2000

    seeds-germination seed drying

    What is "most effective" supposed to mean?  You can do it a dozen different ways, with the only real issue being not to leave enough flesh on the seeds and have the seeds dry so slowly that they start to mold, and of course if you use heat to speed the process up, keep them under roughly 100C...
  9. Dave2000

    overwintering "overwinter" where there is little chance of frost

      Absolutely not.  Cutting them back just stunts their growth.  It can be helpful if you have limited space indoors or indoor insect infestations and want the plant to go dormant, but otherwise the plant will be more productive the less you prune it.   However with a good 2nd season it is...
  10. Dave2000

    How to encourage new leaf growth

    Give it as much light as possible, so long as it's not staying out in really cold weather to do so... try to keep it above 50F lows.
  11. Dave2000


    ^ Have to agree with RobStar.  That second pic is some sort of tabasco or closely related plant.  The first pic is at most a cross with an annuum if you're certain there were no seed mixups... that's not all bad, the pods will probably ripen faster and still taste good.
  12. Dave2000

    Should I top my Wild Brazil/Cumari pepper?

    Why would you feel the urge to top?  Topping is for short grow seasons or extremely strong wind areas to keep the plant low profile.  It's the last thing to do in a normal wind environment when there's a long grow season like you have in Orlando where it practically takes a record breaking low...
  13. Dave2000

    Is burning some outer leaves worth it?

    I 2nd that.  A little more distance doesn't matter much providing you have reflectiev panels around them so the max amount of light possible bounces back and hits leaves.
  14. Dave2000

    Pube pot size

    It is true that 20 gallons or more would be best but in the UK you are not likely to need much over 10 to 15 gallons.  Larger would have greatly diminishing returns due to the shorter growing season.  It should not be especially shallow OR tall.
  15. Dave2000

    How many times do you touch...

    1)  Put seed in solo cup 2)  Transplant into big outdoor pot or ground. 3)  Pull up in fall.
  16. Dave2000

    awesome white bhut mutation

    NIce.  Save seed.
  17. Dave2000

    overwintering Is it too late to over winter this guy?

    Cold weather generally kills the smallest (tips) first.  I'd leave it alone for a while and see if it stays green.  Some parts could die and others not so if you cut off too much too early after cold weather exposure you may end up with less of the plant surviving than you intended to.   If the...
  18. Dave2000

    Mulching leaves

    The pros of mulching in general is they break down faster and hold more water which makes them break down even faster.  It's not that more water = faster per se, but rather for bacterial action they need to not dry out.   Tilling them into the soil makes them do this even better since in-ground...
  19. Dave2000

    Look who decided to come out today

      Mexico is a year-round growing season.  Topping it in a medium to longer season would just make it short, catch less sun and drag the ground.  If done earlier it might have caused a bit more early yield but then much lower yield later.
  20. Dave2000

    What is this sticky puff?

    MIght just be a random weed seed pod that blew there.  I'm no expert on spiders but their nests (around here, you may have different native species there) usually look a bit more attached and ball shaped.