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  1. Dave2000

    3 gallon pots OK for this?

    Smaller pots don't really save all that much space after the first 2-3 months (outside, if an indoor grow is going slower then add a month or two).    My smallest pots are 5 gallon and they have to be spaced apart to give the plant room for vertical growth, otherwise they'd start heavily shading...
  2. Dave2000

    Relationship between scoville and light

      Heh, I think the word stress is being far too loosely applied, but it is quite a bit of work to very carefully monitor water rationing to the point that you stress a plant vs kill it (or are you suggesting we all stress them by merely waiting till they look like they need water to water...
  3. Dave2000

    Relationship between scoville and light

      ^  Watering less wasn't the only situation discussed.  Yes it is crazy amounts of work to grow stressed peppers that produce a few pods instead of a little less work for more peppers.  It's always about work to yield ratio... at least to me, if someone else only cares about winning a hottest...
  4. Dave2000

    Relationship between scoville and light

      Is that useful?  I don't have time to read much right now but even on the first page I already see, quote:   "Yield performances of the high pungency group did not decrease under drought stress, whereas those of the low pungency group did decrease. In conclusion, capsaicinoid levels increased...
  5. Dave2000

    3 gallon pots OK for this?

    Making pots isn't much different than cutting out pieces of paper and taping them together to make something, except you need to sew instead of using tape or glue, overlapping edges so they don't come apart easily, and cut fabric edges need sewn too so they don't unravel even if they aren't sewn...
  6. Dave2000

    Relationship between scoville and light

      Sources?   I've read that now and then too but many people consider it more of an urban myth than fact.  There have even been studies where peppers were shown to increase capsaicin in response to higher humidity, wetter climates.   I will speculate that the factor that dominates everything...
  7. Dave2000

    3 gallon pots OK for this?

    ^  That depends on what type of fabric it is.  Only hair roots will have reasonable penetration through (most) synthetic fabric.
  8. Dave2000

    3 gallon pots OK for this?

    Grow bags aren't very good for not disturbing the plant when it comes time to transplant.  Using rigid pots instead the whole thing can come out like a big plug which is good when dealing with as much as 3 gallons of soil.   That is, unless they are burlap and you manage to keep them intact over...
  9. Dave2000

    is it bad? does it spread?

    Are you getting the leaves wet when you water it?  Insects can also transfer bacteria, or it can be on seed then it multiplies in soil later.  No matter what type of pepper there has to be a method of infection.  None of them just randomly start rotting.
  10. Dave2000

    Light Frost

    Yes if it's only getting down to 35 or higher then covering them is enough, BUT personally I don't trust the accuracy of my weather reports much, but at least they usually err on the side of predicting temperatures colder than they end up being.   However if you plan to overwinter them anyway...
  11. Dave2000

    seeds-germination taking seeds from small peppers?

    Seed becomes mature when the pod reaches full size.  Having it start to ripen is a great sign that it has reached full size long enough ago that the seeds are good, except that in some cases an undersized pod may have some rot on it that artificially speeds up ripening and then the seed may...
  12. Dave2000

    Trying to decide what to grow

    Plain ole red habaneros would work for the hot sauce.  If you don't want it really hot, put fewer in it.   It depends on whether you want pepper to be the dominant flavor or just to give it some heat.   Pizzeria style red pepper flakes are usually cayenne or other very similar varieties.
  13. Dave2000

    in-ground In the ground or in pots?

    5 gallon containers are small enough to stunt a plant over a good season of growth there, but another plant is still another plant.  Put the annuums in the buckets since they use less water, but even in the ground you may end up wanting to water them a few times over a season so if the plot of...
  14. Dave2000

    overwintering Over wintering questions

    When you dig it up and decrease the amount of roots it has, it is normal for it to then respond by dropping leaves.  With temperature dropping and being out of wind in the greenhouse, it will not need as much water, especially now that it has dropped a lot of leaves.   Yes it should survive the...
  15. Dave2000

    is it bad? does it spread?

    It looks like bacterial leaf spot, most likely from a period of high humidity.  If humidity decreases it may stop spreading by itself but the worst of the leaves might as well be removed.    If they're all like that then I'd just isolate the plant instead as they will produce a bit of energy for...
  16. Dave2000

    Newbie Questions About Variety Integrity

    A lot of people get too caught up on a name of a pepper, even if someone growing something with the same name 1000 miles away isn't growing exactly the same thing.  Plants have cross bred for millions of years and only in recent times has man tried to fixate on some particular cross, treating it...
  17. Dave2000

    Newbie Questions About Variety Integrity

    As far as spacing them out, yes a 20' distance would result in much lower cross rate than right next to each other, and of course even further being better.  However if you have a particular plant you are growing for seed purposes, you might consider putting it in a pot as far away from the rest...
  18. Dave2000

    Intensifying light by isolating and reflecting

      Where did you get the idea that flat white paint reflects more?  Many people who have tested this found the opposite to be true.   Yes you could fashion some kind of parabola out of foil that intensified the light, but you'd almost have to try to do that to have it too intense.   Looking at...
  19. Dave2000

    Yellow leaves normal for autumn?

    Yellow is not normal.  A healthy plant left outside as it gets colder and colder will eventually start drooping its leaves, then they will start to fall out, then eventually be practically bare but the leaves will stay green when they fall off.   However, there is nothing you can do about yellow...
  20. Dave2000

    indoor-growing Total beginner looking to grow indoors

    Fall is a great time to gather up pine needles, leaves, etc to make your own mix.  A lot of people like some peat moss mixed in too to keep the soil fluffy.   Do give them a lot of light.  As juanitos mentioned T8 4' fluorescent fixtures are about the most cost effective.  Also consider getting...