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  1. tony05

    The Great Douglah Growing Thread

    Ahhh Nova, you came through with pics. Your a good man. PRF..... do you have any pics of yours when they were at the stage of Nova's and mine. Id love to compare what the pods looked like.
  2. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    More pics....... 7 Pods Ancho Pablano..... and its still growing. Piment d' Espelette Basque
  3. tony05

    The Great Douglah Growing Thread

    I thought it would be good to start a thread for anyone in Australia to post up pics of the Douglahs they have growing at the moment. To campare strains and discuss the plants in general. If people in other countries have them going ATM, or have pics of Douglah's they just grew, they are also...
  4. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Well.... im a happy man. The Douglah has stuck...... 2 of them and lots to come! Woo Hoo!
  5. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    Nova.... a bit late but Vintage cellars on Darby Street has a good range also. The Lagavulin is worth getting. My bottle has 10mm left in the bottom and will be getting another in the new year. Pip, myself and our dad enjoyed a wee dram of the 18 yr laphroig at 9am on xmas day and it was...
  6. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    Brewing a Weissbier today 70% Weyermann Pale Wheat 25% Weyermann Bohemian Pils 5% Weyermann Carahell bittered with Hallertau 1.046, 12 IBU, will use 3068 Weihenstephaner strain. here is a glass of the Bright Ale i have on tap made with New Zealand grown B-Saaz and cascade flowers. OH ITS Y.U.M!
  7. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Douglah's are flowering..... this one dropped its flower last night. Please dont fall off, Please dont fall off, Please dont fall off, Please dont fall off, Please dont fall off, Please dont fall off, HEre are the 2 DOuglah plants. Looking very healthy. A couple 40+ deg days burnt them a bit...
  8. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Hey Folks. Boxing day here and loitering in the garage doing some brewing..... thought i would take some pics for an update. Now..... the Seeds i got from Trinni as Hot cherrys.... they have ended up very long and thin. Looking forward to trying one. Choc Hab FI i got seeds from Scolvile for...
  9. tony05

    7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

    Nova..... i have 40 liters of shine doing its thing in the garage too :)
  10. tony05

    7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

    NJA.... the Bhuts (and i a have pure strain plant going) are my fav for flavour. They have an earthier fruitiness. The 7's are more like a hab/scotchie in flavout but more intense. The heat of the 7 is really mind numbing. I bite off whole habs and there hot for a couple minuites...... i drool...
  11. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    mmmm claymores............ not a bad idea :)
  12. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    The plant i listed as a hot cherry, well the flower i took a pic of has taken, and its an odd shape. Its pointy but seems to be rounding out a bit like a nipple? I will be watching this one closly Cheers
  13. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Piment d Espelette Basque Thai Hot Thai Super Hot cheers
  14. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Nova...... i have 3 ripe ones, and a heap are half ripe on my Devil tongue plant. The fatalii's are a deeper orange colour. THe devil Tongues are a lighter yellow. Cant wait to do a taste comparison...... its gunna hurt! Now a question. I got some seeds from Trinnihottie that she named as "hot...
  15. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Scolvells Choc Hab F1. Its a different plant with pointy hab like leaves..... pale in colour and a bit hairier than usual. I cant wait to see what this produces! here is a Golden Nugger plant i have going in a corner of the garden. GOt them as a free seed pack with an order from the...
  16. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Ok Folks time for another update..... and i have lots of pics and a few questions. First up we will start with the good oil........ I finally got a chilli on my fatalli i grew last year fro the comp. It sat there... 3 inchs tall all winter.... for months while i was overseas, un watered...
  17. tony05

    7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

    Im just bumping up my post count like you nova :)
  18. tony05

    7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

    Ok.... Seven Pod porn time You can see the yellow oil droplets letching from the insides in this pic. The placental tussue is about 2mm thick. I have eaten pure strain Bhuts.... which we thought were hot..... untill we had a slice on one of these. PURE PAIN! They make habs look like...
  19. tony05

    7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

    2 posts in and i had to quote this. I will read the rest later. These look just like mine! Only mine are red.
  20. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Oh.... the choc Hab............. Mate.... i have no idea. Scollvile had pics of them up and they were long and squigly like a witchety grub. I think this may be a F2........ We will see. i cant wait to see what grows..... its like a mystery plant.