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  1. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    No need Jungle............ i got one going for him...... if he hasnt killed it yet? Nova...... That answeres it above :) He got some going but....... mmmm Jungle..... mate..... the seeds have produced some spectacular plants and i plan to make you proud! Do you have pics of what they produce?
  2. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    do people only post half pissed on here or do you americans speak another language? Quad..... WTF does that mean? :)
  3. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    Thats better than Pips quote in the signature :) hehe
  4. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Hey Nova. Were your Douglahs from the seeds Pippy got? I cant remember if he got them from you or not. He killed all his, i got 3 going and gave him one so he could grow some heat himself. AJ...... my season started lats as i was working over seas but its on schedule now. Im looking forward...
  5. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    update time. I have lots of Seven Pods on the plant i over wintered. here is one. The Douglahs are going great. I have 2 of them and they are 50% bigger than this now. They are growing very fast in the warnth of summer. This is the Chocolate Hab F1 plant i gor seeds from Scolvelle for...
  6. tony05

    Fatalii smackdown

    Well i have finally got pods on my smackdowm fatalii. Its in soil that turned out to be crap but if i get a few i will be happpy. They look just like the Devil Tongues and im thinking they are basicly the same...... cant wait to do a taste comparison. cheers
  7. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    and a Stout made with Greman and Belgian malts..... fremented with a Belgian Saison yeast its malty, fruity and dry in the finnish. Yum Yum!
  8. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    oh i was drooling at a bottle of 15 year laphroig this arvo. I didnt have $150 spare. My bottle of Lagavulin is almost empty and will need replacing first :) cheers
  9. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    here is my brown porter i have on tap cheers
  10. tony05

    Tony's Kegorator Mk 2

    Hey im back :) Yeah used metho to stop it freezing but the smell in the freezer......... no wonder the folks out west who drink it lick boot pollish to seal there tongue and hide the taste. I used to live in a town where you could buy Metho cold from the fridge...... true story! The rig works...
  11. tony05

    Improvised blow off

    +1 for the blow off tube! I jam a piece of tube strait in the fermenter lid o ring and run it to a 2 liter pet bottle with a bit of starsan solution in it. It can blow all the yeast and crap in there it wants. The problem you have with the crap on the lid it it can pick up bacteria and get...
  12. tony05

    Tony's Kegorator Mk 2

    I got the tap of Ebay. Ive never tried the beer but loved the look of the tap handle and love porter so i got it. The kegs are comercial kegs..... still owned by the big breweries etc etc. If they are anywhere other than a licenced premise using them or at the brewery..... they are considered...
  13. tony05

    Tony's Kegorator Mk 2

    Pictures as promised: A Sweaty Cold Font Inside the freezer. I have had to double the length of the 5mm ID lins from the 4mmID line i was using in the fridge. There are still gas and beer lines to go in for 2 more corny kegs Pics blured cause the kegs are actually illegal to use in...
  14. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    Mmmmmm $80 to $90. Bloody nice stuff. cheers
  15. tony05

    Tony's Kegorator Mk 2

    Nova......... its free for everyone who spells my name with a "Y" for you.............. on your knees boy! I plumbed up the gas and beer lines tonight, dropped the Maibock keg and a 50 liter keg of summer brown porter in and its chilling down as i type. By tomorrow night i should be able to...
  16. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    If your a sheep with lice! Off topic! Im enjoying a Jack Daniels Single barrel tonight. mmmmmmmmmmmm Timber........ i can taste the timber. Worth every cent.
  17. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Pots are from bunnings. Under $10 :) cheers
  18. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    Coooooooooooooooolll Slured typing :) its a fine art :) Mate..... i hope its not lunch time there :) cheers
  19. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    Maibock is a pale bock. Mine is actually at the dark end of the range. Traditional and dubbel bock are darker :) If your in Aus.... your welcome for a beer. cheers
  20. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    I have some pods setting which is exciting. First is my Fatalii from the comparison thing early this year. Its finaly getting some warm air and has some good looking pods forming up. I have 7 Pots on the way. My litles ones are looking very healthy since i potted them up. Here is a...