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  1. tony05

    beer Passow Brews: Belgian Special Dark

    I dont think its such a problem with all malt beers. Its more when you have a lot of sugar to add like in a belgian with the candi sugar that is a prerequisite to the recipe. I made an IIPA a while back and just mashed it cool and pitched US-05. It went from 1.090 to 1.008 for a bit over 11%...
  2. tony05

    First ripining scorpion

    drink some pure sulphuric acid to prep your mouth first. If its like the 7 Pot I grew thet Moyboy and i tasted....... it will make your head vibrate with pain, your mouth produce about 7 liters of saliva, your stomach empty its contents and a slightly drunk feeling of addrenalin and endorphins...
  3. tony05

    OZ Farming Thread

    Its called a match Bent :).... and some petrol if you need it.
  4. tony05

    OZ Farming Thread

    does a dozen plants around my pool count as a farm ??? :) I think not. Man wouldn't a chilli farm be cool
  5. tony05

    beer Passow Brews: Belgian Special Dark

    Have you thought about gradual feeding of these big belgian beers. When you give yeast a really strong solution rich in simple surcrose sugars, it will go nuts to start with on the surcrose (candy sugar) and produce fusel alcahols. Its Fusel's that give the beer that hot alcahol feel and makes...
  6. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Why mate..... how did you cut yours back? I dont know if i do it right...... its just worked for me in the past with a massive plant resulting. Im guessing you were a tad harsher :)
  7. tony05

    beer Passow Brews: Belgian Special Dark

    What yeast are you using IGG I love the Wyeast 3787. Awsome belgian flavours. cheers
  8. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    I cut the plants back fairly harshly leaving a few buds on each branch to re shoot. I treat them like rose bushes..... not that i have roses but when i did they always went better when cut back with a heavy hand. I removed any smaller weaker branched al together as i only want shoots from...
  9. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    OK...... first up is a little crappy looking plant thats only just alive i found in the corner of my pool yard. Its my fatali smackdown plant. I cant believe its alive. I havnt looked at it let alone watered it. Now for my over winteres plants. The 7 Pot i got from Trinnihottie and the...
  10. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Hi AJ. Mate its been the hottest winter on record ........ ever........ here and temps are around the mid 20's already. Its gunna be a hot summer! We usually use 2.5 tones of fire wood in a winter but only used about 1.8 this year. The plants are in the box only for germination. They will be...
  11. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Hey Nova. Dont worry mate....... i will kick his arse. He will get all distracted and forget the plants and they will become half arsed part dead sticks with some half rotton chillis that even the grubs wont eat. Then he will take a picture of them and everyone will go.......... Oh wow moyboy...
  12. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Thanks for the ideas folks. As little bro mentioned and i didnt........ im going to put an adjustable tray under the lights. As for reflective material...... the white foam is faitly reflective as it is. Im not interested in long term groath in here..... just a half way house for a few weeks...
  13. tony05

    7 Pot Brain Strain Check

    Ahhhhhh the 7 Pot. I have a plant i grew from Trinni Hottie and it is scary hot. Moyboy and i tried it and it made Bhuts taste like lollpops! Vomit and vilent intestinal reactions followed and i dont recomend eating too much of these monsters at any given time. I made a couple of bottles of...
  14. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    oh........... will take some pics of the over wintered plants (sticks) that are going to be re potted and trimmed back as well. The funny one is the Fetalli smackdown plant. Its till the same size it was 4 months ago but still alive. I will cut it back and re pot it and see if its any different...
  15. tony05

    Tony's grow log 09/10

    Well we will start at the start this year. I have built a grow box and i cant wait to use it. Im going to get some seed trays tomorrow and will have seeds in by tomorrow night. I ran the box with lights and fan and got 29 deg air temp in the center of the enclosure. here is the box closed up...
  16. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    Hey TB It wont be a sesion beer thats for sure. More of an experiment and a "crack one open now and then" beer. It was just something i hadnt made before so now i can cross it off the list. I still have the concept of a Honey and Basil beer in my head that wont go away as well. Maybe this...
  17. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    did you only just open your bottle of Miltonduff ????? I think mine is almost gone. Not a bad drop but not my favorite. I will be at the Duty free shop at the airport in 11 hrs. I hope they have a good selection at Cairns. cheers
  18. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    I also recently made a Chipottle ale.... ment to be roughly like the Rogue beer as its $16 a bottle here. started with these: Chopped them up ready to be boiled with the brew. I put some in the mash with the grain: I put some in at the biggining and then some in at the end of the boil...
  19. tony05

    beer Home Brew

    here are a couple beers i have has on tap recently. I thought i would share American Rye beer. And an aussie wheat beer, made with 70% Australian wheat malt and hopped with New Zealand grown hops. Damn its good. This is whats on tap ATM. i love home brewing! cheers
  20. tony05

    spirits The Whisky Thread

    I just recently perchased a bottle of 25 year Port Ellen and i do believe when i get back from working OS, im going to get another to put away to crack at my kids wedding (there 5 and 3) seeing as you cant get it any more. And its sooooooo nice! One good thing about working OS is Duty Free...