Search results

  1. azguy

    Market I.D. ??

    Hi Joe, I don't believe that they are Orange Habs because of the shape. Every pod he had (which were a few) were all cylindrical shaped with most looking like the peach pod in the right of the photo. As for the what you labeled as Red Habs, they were marked as Congo Red Trinidad. Here is a...
  2. azguy

    Market I.D. ??

    At a market today I found a variety of hots. I have them all identified except the peach colored on the upper right (there is also a closeup photo). Any ideas? Thanks
  3. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Sounds good to me, Aji x Brain it is. :D
  4. azguy

    flavor Aji Brain taste

    These are a cross from rom6 and are not as yellow as a Aji Limon (hard to tell in photo). They seem to almost have a tinge of orange in them. Here is a photo of the second mature pod that I just picked today. The other pods are still small and green but I will try to get a flower photo of them...
  5. azguy

    seeds-germination HP22B Germination ??

    Three weeks and still nothing. In that time I have had Chocolate Habs and Bhuts sprout that are in the same tray and under the same conditions. Still not giving up, just not overly thrilled.
  6. azguy

    flavor Aji Brain taste

    Pulled the ripest pod off the Aji Brain cross today. As soon as I split it you could smell a very pleasant citrus odor. Pulled the seeds with 10 in total and tasted half the pod. It had an interesting fruity/citrus flavor that I have not tasted before. Different than the Aji Limons I am growing...
  7. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Updated photos of the Aji Brain
  8. azguy

    Orange, Hab or Scotch Bonnet

    I was given a few pods and thought they looked a little different than the typical store bought orange Habs. Just wondering if they may be Orange Scotch Bonnets?
  9. azguy

    Who or what am I

    The sweet venetian hab is doing good. I had so many plants this year I sent the Venetian and a few other with my son in law and they are going great. In all fairness being that this was a Romy6 creation (even if by accident) I will let him say if its ok to save you some seeds. I would be...
  10. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Hey no problem, these Aji/Brain crosses really look good. My crappy photography does not do them justice.
  11. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Hi Jamie, You are right, those seeds did come from you, found my records from last season. I have a bunch of pods starting and will make sure that you get samples. Also will update photos as these two pods mature. So far it looks like an awesome cross.. Thanks Dan
  12. azguy

    Who or what am I

    Received the seeds from someone on the board last year and they were labeled Brain Strain. These photos show the two most mature pods (on same plant ) and they are definitely not what I thought. Maybe an Aji Limon/ Brain or Bhut cross? Both are a little over two inches long with one starting to...
  13. azguy

    seeds-germination HP22B Germination ??

    2 1/2 weeks and still nothing
  14. azguy

    Miracle grow thoughts?

    This year I have been using Miracle-Gro Liquafeed (the tomato, fruit & vegetable formula) in combination with CalMag (not on the same day). Never cared for MG products before but for myself this seems to be working pretty good. Now that the Arizona heat is rolling off my flower and pod...
  15. azguy

    seeds-germination HP22B Germination ??

    I have had ten HP22B seeds sitting in Peat Pellets for two weeks now with no signs of germination. the longest I have had seeds take to germinate were my bhuts and Butch T's which both took right around two weeks. Just wondering what success other people are having. Thanks
  16. azguy

    wanted Jalabanero Seeds Wanted

    Thank You
  17. azguy

    wanted Jalabanero Seeds Wanted

    Hello, I am in search of a few Jalabanero seeds. Does anyone have any for sale or trade? Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. azguy

    Anyone growing Cyklon

    Peppermeister1, Thank you for the photos and information. Very nice looking pods, if you are ever interested in doing any seed trading please let me know. Thanks
  19. azguy

    Anyone growing Cyklon

    Hi, Does anyone have experience growing Ckylon? Wondering how productive they are and what can the heat be compared to. Some websites say their mild/medium and then some say hot. The only thing they seem agree on is that its a variety from Poland. Thanks