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  1. azguy

    Pepper Identification

    I don't know If I would call it an applish but it does have a fruit flavor. I would compare the heat about the same as the a Thai Hot. After reading the description these seem a little long to be Pusa Jwala. Here are some better pictures. Thanks
  2. azguy

    Pepper Identification

    While in Tucson today I stopped by an import supermarket and found these peppers. They were labeled Indian Chilies, so I asked and I was told they were from India but didn't know the exact variety. I picked up one pack to try, they do have a good taste and a fair amount of heat. I wish I could...
  3. azguy

    Fresh Trinidad Scorpion Pods - ***OFFER CLOSED***

    Please put me down for 1LB Thanks
  4. azguy

    Pepper Identification Question

    Sounds great. Thank you for the information.
  5. azguy

    Pepper Identification Question

    Hi, This past Tuesday I was at a local grower picking up some trees for work. I came across four pepper plants they said I could have so home they came. For sure two of them are Tabasco and the third is a Medusa. The fourth had no label (which I did not notice at the time) but had two peppers...
  6. azguy

    Growing Concern

    Thank you for the advice. I replaced the soil in the buckets and brought it up about 3 inches from the top. When taking out the plants I found that the soil was very hard an compact (don't remember the name of the soil) so I replaced everything other than what is around the root system. Used a...
  7. azguy

    Growing Concern

    Hi, I am new to the board. This is my second year with peppers. I am having a problem with two plants the first is a Thai Dragon & the second is Habanero. The problem is that the leaves just dont look right. Both are young plants purchased locally (Thai purchased a month ago and two weeks for...