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  1. nearday

    seed-train Wicked Mike's Newbies Only Seed Train - ROUND TWO

    Hey Mike, Thanks for the great ride I'm going to jump off in order to allow more people to get on, and I now have what I need for this season Thanks again Mike
  2. nearday

    seed-train Non-Pepper Seed Train- Round 2 Boarding

      Its coming up now, thanks again coach
  3. nearday

    seed-train Non-Pepper Seed Train- Round 2 Boarding

    Tracking isn't coming up yet...I'm betting I will get it Tuesday and I will send it out the same day.. This is my first train and you could say I'm hyped! Sorry about that it must have not gotten on their trucks yet.
  4. nearday

    seed-train Non-Pepper Seed Train- Round 2 Boarding

    Got it sent out earlier today to Babysas, sorry about the wait.   Tracking: # 9114 9011 8986 6941 9129 39   I took some cool varieties and added a lot of of awesome pumpkins. Thanks everyone for adding to this train and coach for starting it.
  5. nearday

    seed-train Scorched Train 2015-2016

    Could I get on this train? Thanks Scorched
  6. nearday

    seed-train Non-Pepper Seed Train- Round 2 Boarding

    I received the package today. I'm going to get it back out on Sat. as I'm busy tomorrow. Thanks so much guys
  7. nearday

    color SBS purple ornamental

    Wow that plant is really beautiful.
  8. nearday

    seed-train Non-Pepper Seed Train- Round 2 Boarding

    I'd like to get on this train. Thanks for doing this coach
  9. nearday

    Hello From Ottawa

    :welcome: from Colorado
  10. nearday

    Hello From St Louis

    :welcome: from Colorado
  11. nearday

    Hello from Waddy, KY

    :welcome: from Colorado
  12. nearday

    Hello from Paraguay!

    :welcome: from Colorado
  13. nearday

    Hello From SPAIN!

    :welcome: from Colorado
  14. nearday

    Hello from Quebec

    :welcome: from Colorado
  15. nearday

    Greetings from Surprise AZ

    :welcome: from Colorado
  16. nearday

    Straw Man here - Hercules, CA

    :welcome: from Colorado
  17. nearday

    Hello from Scotland!

    :welcome: from Colorado
  18. nearday

    I am White Moses I am from St. Louis as well

    :welcome: from Colorado
  19. nearday

    Hello all been awhile since I have been here

    :welcome: from Colorado
  20. nearday

    Hello from Edmonton, AB. Canada

    :welcome: from Colorado