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  1. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    I'm thinking this bug in the second photo is from the order Hemiptera, maybe suborder Heteroptera, a clear photo of it's back, from the top down might help if you want to identify it, it may or may not be of concern.
  2. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    Does your neem oil product have directions with rates? If you search the forum for thrips neem you might find useful information, I would give a direct answer if I knew.
  3. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    The first photo, "the light brown elongated thing", looks like thrips, the second photo I'm not sure.
  4. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    No need to be sorry for asking :). pH is important but what the plant cares about is the pH of the solution it's getting it's nutrients from, it's more important with hydroponics because the media is the solution, and soil because it effects the solution more, soilless media is typically more...
  5. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    Is it an indoor or outdoor grow? The pH is high but for a soilless media I wouldn't expect it to cause a problem that looked like that, some chlorosis of new growth maybe but from the photos that is extreme. For peace of mind, do you have a loupe or microscope that you could check for...
  6. johnwilliamhunter

    indoor-growing Starting to flower at just 5 weeks old

    They are sweet looking Razzamatazz plants for 5 weeks :).
  7. johnwilliamhunter

    issue Leaf curling downwards, newgrowths are deformed and brown at the tip and then turn necrotic

    I don't know, and I've never seen it in person, but the photos remind me of photos on this forum where the problem was mites.
  8. johnwilliamhunter

    disease-pests OW aphids

    In my garden I rely on natural predators, but in my greenhouse as a last resort for aphids I use eco-oil and/or eco-neem, which in the U.S. is called Azamax.
  9. johnwilliamhunter

    misc What's everyone growing in 2021

    Those black varieties look really cool, I've added black prince to my list for next year. I'm a bit ordinary with my varieties this year, I only have common annuums... Cayenne Caysan Jalapeno Serrano Thai
  10. johnwilliamhunter

    plant-care Cayenne seedling rescue

    That's interesting information, thanks, I hadn't considered the genetic aspect.
  11. johnwilliamhunter

    plant-care Cayenne seedling rescue

    Thanks for the replies :). Yes they'll be in an outdoor greenhouse for a while, although I don't have a fan, it's a good idea. I'll have to compromise and bring them out in the breeze during the warmer hours, we had a good day for it today and they didn't even wilt in the full sun :).
  12. johnwilliamhunter

    plant-care Cayenne seedling rescue

    I bought a little tray of Cayenne seedlings from a nursary, they are so thin and spindly I normally wouldn't have, but I thought I'd try rescuing them. There were 14 in one 450ml tray, I saved 12 and pricked them out to their own 100mm (4") pots. They are so thin, the stems are about as thin...
  13. johnwilliamhunter

    disease-pests Whiteflies on small pepper plant

    Was the problem whitefly or aphids? Anyway the photo looks like it could just be damage from the pests, check that the new leaves look better after the pests have gone. I use "eco-neem" if I have to for such pests, has always worked well for me.
  14. johnwilliamhunter

    Flower loss in Australia

    Hi, I'm mainly growing several varieties of annuums, the only chinese varieties I have are Habanero and Fatalii.    Edit : + 1 to what Trippa asked
  15. johnwilliamhunter

    Flower loss in Australia

    Hello, I'm not too far from Melbourne.   I agree with the others, flower drop isn't surprising in this heat, especially since you mentioned they were the first flowers. To answer your question, I've never known a bird to cut a flower off a capsicum plant.
  16. johnwilliamhunter

    Hello from Australia

    Thank you everyone for the welcomes :)
  17. johnwilliamhunter

    Hello from Australia

    Hello everyone,    My name is John, I live in central Victoria, Australia.    Technically I have been growing hot peppers for several years, but only Cayennes and Jalapenos bought as seedlings and grown in the ground.   This year I have more varieties and more plants, some I've grown from seed...